

Youth Lublin Triangle: Study of the potential

Analytical paper from NGO "Public Diplomacy Platform"

The NGO “Public Diplomacy Platform” with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine conducted a research to determine the prospects for the creation of the Youth Lublin Triangle.


On July 28, 2020, representatives of the three countries held a press conference in the city of Lublin. They announced the creation of the Lublin Triangle – a new format for cooperation between Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania. This new trilateral format is based on the traditions and historical ties of the three countries, which go back centuries. It is intended to become an important mechanism for strengthening Central Europe and promoting the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.

This research underlines the importance of strengthening the connections between young people within this new cooperation format of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania.

What aspects are covered in the research?
- the prospects for the creation of the Youth Lublin Triangle are identified;
- the current state of youth cooperation at the level of three countries is studied;
- youth policy and relations between the countries of the Lublin Triangle through the prism of the common historical past are analyzed.

The research was presented online on January 21, 2021. You can watch the full video of the presentation in English here.

As a build-up upon this research, future activities may include establishing the first youth initiative, which will operate under the auspices of the Lublin Triangle and become a new driving force for achieving goals of young people.

This initiative will focus on significantly expanding cooperation between youth organizations in Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, strengthening cultural, social and educational relations and exchanging experience in order to create projects together.


