


Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths

The religious beliefs and practices of Americans

The religious beliefs and practices of Americans do not fit neatly into conventional categories. A new poll by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that large numbers of Americans engage in multiple religious practices, mixing elements of diverse traditions. Many say they attend worship services of more than one faith or denomination - even when they are not traveling or going to special events like weddings and funerals.

Russia's Wrong Blueprint for European Security

On the eve of this week's Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and NATO Ministerial meetings, in addition to a NATO-Russia Council gathering, Russian officials unveiled their long-awaited proposal for a new European Security Treaty. The Medvedev proposal, as it has become known, has been the subject of considerable debate within NATO and among OSCE member states. Some argue that it represents an important opportunity to engage with Russia on addressing security needs in Europe.

Stiglitz and the Master of Puppets

Burma: Outside Interests, Inside Challenges

The long list of dignitaries with whom Burma’s junta chief has played ‘engagement’ attests to his masterfully strategic use of iconic figures for public relations purposes. Stiglitz may be next.

No Parade for Hans

Often, as I have passed through the main train station here inthe German capital, I have seen the sad, lone figure of a soldier,heavy pack on his back, waiting for a train like the rest of us, butseparated from the crowd by the uniform he wears. No onewould stop to thank him for his service or to ask whether he hadbeen deployed to Afghanistan.

US Climate Policy On the Road to Copenhagen

The political context makes it clear that the US will not have a climate bill ready in time for the talks in Copenhagen, and the commonly accepted premise seems to be that without climate legislation enacted domestically, the US won’t be able to sign on a global deal on climate change in December.

China Safari - On the Trail of Beijing’s Expansion in Africa

In „China Safari - On the Trail of Beijing’s Expansion In Africa“, authors Serge Michel and Michel Beuret take the reader on a journey to the heart of the Sino-African partnership, one, they argue, that is transforming the African continent to a degree not seen since decolonization. The book, which includes a 16-page photo insert by photojournalist Paolo Woods, is the result of two years on the ground reporting from 12 African countries and China.

‘Change has come’... or has it?

Rückschlag für Präsident Obama bei „off-year“ Wahlen

Der erste Dienstag im November ist traditionell Wahltag in den USA. Die nationale und internationale Aufmerksamkeit konzentriert sich auf die alle vier Jahre stattfindende Präsidentenwahl. Auch die Zwischenwahlen, bei denen jeweils alle Mitglieder des Hauses und ein Drittel der Senatoren neu gewählt werden, können mit großer Aufmerksamkeit rechnen. Aber auch die weniger beachteten „off-year“ Wahlen haben mitunter weitreichende politische Ausstrahlungen, auch wenn meist nur Politiker in regionale Parlamente und Ämter gewählt werden.

„Wir haben die Kraft, die Mauern unserer Zeit zu überwinden“

Rede von Bundeskanzlerin Dr. Angela Merkel vor dem US-Kongress

Nur selten wird einem ausländischen Staats- oder Regierungschef die Ehre zuteil, vor beiden Häusern des US Kongresses (Senate und House) eine Rede halten zu dürfen. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hatte Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hierzu eingeladen.

The First Post-Racial Candidate – Debate Around Affirmative Action

„Change you can believe in” war der Slogan von Barack Obamas. Der angestrebte Wandel bezog sich nicht nur auf die Regierung in Washington, sondern sollte vielmehr in der gesamten amerikanischen Gesellschaft stattfinden.

Speech by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel MP to the US Congress


Speech by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel MP to the US Congress