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Germany Has to Invest Even More in Global Health

For some time, Germany has been extremely active in the field of global health and has contributed greatly to shaping central elements of global health structures. Nevertheless, Germany should continue to invest in expanding global health infrastructure and coordinate its own activities even more closely than it has in the past.

Pandemics: How Well-Prepared Is the EU?

Epidemics and pandemics pose a real danger in the highly connected 21st century. Densely populated areas like the EU, with lively exchange of goods and services, are especially susceptible to the rapid spread of infectious diseases. The good news is: we can prepare ourselves – but it won’t be easy.

The Forgotten Crisis

Health Policy in South Africa and Dealing with ­HIV

­HIV is one of the most devastating pandemics of our time. South Africa – the country with one fifth of the world’s ­HIV cases – has made some progress. However, that could change, if not as many HIV-positive South Africans as possible are taking antiretroviral medication regularly or if risky behaviour increases and awareness of the problem decreases. First signs for this can be found right now already.

Ulaanbaatar Is Suffocating in Smog

Air Pollution Causes Serious Health Problems in Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia is not just the coldest capital city in the world. In 2016, this city of over a million inhabitants also overtook New Delhi and Beijing as the capital with the highest levels of air pollution. Politicians recognise the problem but seem largely powerless to act. The city’s residents are becoming increasingly frustrated.

Visual Generation, AdobeStock

Germany and the World: Global Trends and Future Challenges for German Politics

In a globally networked world of ever closer connections between people, goods, capital and services, Germany’s future depends on how early it identifies new trends and challenges. This is essential in order to lay the groundwork for political decisions that will positively shape Germany’s and Europe’s framework conditions for freedom and democracy, innovation, economic competitiveness and both internal and external security. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has, thus, surveyed its international network of staff posted in more than 100 countries around the globe. A number of trends were identified Germany needs to be prepared to respond to.

Environmental Migration: A Challenge for Security Policy (Online version)

Flight and migration as a result of armed conflicts of any kind, or a lack of economic perspectives have been omnipresent reasons for migration movements in the minds of political and public stakeholders over recent years. But what about droughts, water shortages, and the impact of rising sea levels on islands and coastal areas? From a security policy perspective, it is advisable to take a closer look at migra­tion movements that are directly or indirectly linked to climate change, the effects of which can be observed worldwide. Because if the expected dimensions actually occur, and the international community does not create a binding framework for dealing with the affected group of persons – both with a view to the legal dimension as well as the institutional, political, socio-economic and infrastructural conditions in those regions concerned – they have the potential to exacerbate current instabilities and to destabilise other countries and regions.

Environmental Migration: A Challenge for Security Policy

It is generally well known that people may be forced to leave their homes due to violent conflict or a lack of economic prospects. But what about droughts, water shortages, and the impact of rising sea levels on islands and coastal areas? From a security policy perspective, it is advisable to take a closer look at migration movements that are directly or indirectly linked to climate change, the effects of which can be observed worldwide. After all, these effects have the potential to exacerbate current instabilities and to destabilise other countries and regions.

Ebola in the Congo – A Home-Grown Crisis

The scale of the current crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo) does not come close to that of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. However, nine months after the outbreak, it is the second worst case in the history of the Ebola virus. Although there is a vaccine today, it has not been possible to bring the epidemic under control. The problem is the country’s poor security situation. In only a few weeks (end of March to May 2019), the death toll rose from approximately 600 to more than 1,000. Placing faith in the Congo to solve its problems on its own is a dangerous game. International presence in the country strengthens the newly elected president.

Editorial Ai Special Issue 2|2019

In 2018, at least the cinema allowed us to experience what Sub-­Saharan Africa could possibly look like: paradisiacal conditions and a highly developed civilisation that uses its immense resource wealth to provide its own population with a life in freedom and prosperity and to defend this achievement from the outside world. Unfortunately, reality does not reflect the utopian conditions enjoyed by the Kingdom of Wakanda in the film “Black Panther”.

Der Feind meines Freundes

Japans schwieriger Balanceakt zwischen Washington und Peking

Im Gegensatz zur Politik des „America First“ des US-Präsidenten Donald Trump hält Japan die Fahne des Multilateralismus hoch und hat besonders mit dem Abkommen über die Schaffung einer Transpazifischen Partnerschaft ein Ausrufezeichen für die Welthandelsordnung gesetzt. Im Handelskrieg zwischen den ­USA und China versucht Tokio, eine mittlere Position einzunehmen.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943