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dpa, picture alliance

Die Tage der Revolution in Moskau

Ein Erlebnisbericht

Die Auslandsinformationen feiern 2024 ihr 40-jähriges Jubiläum. Vier Jahrzehnte unserer Zeitschrift haben einen Bestand von mehr als 400 Ausgaben entstehen lassen, der so manchen Schatz bereithält. Manche Beiträge zeichnen Entwicklungen vor, die uns Jahre später eingeholt haben, manche Einschätzungen erscheinen – obwohl oder gerade weil sie die damalige Stimmung so treffend spiegeln – heute wie Zeugnisse einer fernen Epoche. Im Laufe dieses Jahres werden wir je einen Artikel aus den verschiedenen „Ai-Dekaden“ online neu aufbereiten.   Hier geht es ins Jahr 1991, als ein russischer Präsident unterstützt von den Moskauer Bürgern die entstehende Demokratie gegen einen Putsch von Betonkommunisten verteidigte.

Wolfgang Kumm, dpa, picture alliance

“Perhaps We Need This Geopolitical Shock to Take Some Bold Steps”

European Policy in Times of Crisis and the Future of the EU beyond the Left and Right-wing Populists

Lars Hänsel, Head of the Europe and North America Department at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, talks to International Reports about Europe’s response to the Russian war of aggression, the new interest in Eastern Europe and the need for an EU with a greater capacity to act – and he explains what constitutes Christian Democratic European policy.

Amr Nabil, AP, picture alliance

Big Plans, Limited Progress

EU Energy Partnerships with the Gulf

In the wake of the energy crisis, the Gulf states are once again becoming the focus of EU energy policy as new (old) partners – both to compensate for the loss of Russian gas imports and to supply renewable energy sources, in particular hydrogen, to Europe. However, despite the EU emphasising its interest and announcing grand plans for closer cooperation, in reality, energy partnerships are falling well short of expectations – even though the general conditions in the Gulf are promising.

Philipp von Ditfurth, dpa, picture alliance


There has been no shortage of wake-up calls for Europe in recent years: Russia first annexed Crimea and later invaded the whole of Ukraine, thereby launching a head-on attack on peace in Europe as we know it. On the other side of the Atlantic, Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016 – a man who questioned the security guarantees provided by the United States to its European allies. In our neighbourhood, in the Middle East, Islamist terrorists and their regional supporters are out to destroy Israel, the only democracy in the region. And authoritarian states looking to rewrite the international legal system established after 1945 are seeking alliances even with countries that we consider more aligned with our values.

Sotiris Dimitropoulos, Eurokiniss, ANE, picture alliance

From Problem Child to Model Student

Greece’s New Role in Europe

Sovereign debt, migration crisis, corruption – this was what people associated with Greece up until a few years ago. Recently, we have been reading more about growth, a return to the capital market and increasing popularity. The country has one of the highest growth rates in the EU and is developing into Europe’s energy hub. How did this come about? What has been done right in recent years? And what does Greece’s new self-confidence mean in terms of the country’s geopolitical orientation and European policy?

Dursun Aydemir, AA, picture alliance

In Search of Majorities

The Positioning and Future of the ­European ­People’s Party in a Changing Party System

The European People’s Party (­EPP) has played a key role in shaping European politics over the past decades. Recently, however, it has repeatedly found itself in a difficult position, caught between left-wing and liberal forces on the one hand and right-wing parties becoming stronger on the other. Which partners can and should the EPP join forces with to implement its ideas for shaping the EU’s future? And where will its place be in the European party landscape of the future?

Abaca, picture alliance

The EU as a Global Power?

The “Geopolitical Commission” between Ambition and Reality

The term of office of the European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen is drawing to a close. It started out with the aspiration to be a “geopolitical Commission”. But even though the administration set priorities in the ­COVID-19 pandemic and in the face of the Russian war against Ukraine, there is still a gap between aspiration and reality in the EU’s external action outside of acute crises.

Clemens Bilan, epa, picture alliance

Thoroughly European

Belarus is Currently Dependent on Moscow – but the ­Democratic Opposition Wants to Lead the Country towards the West

The Lukashenko regime is tying Belarus ever closer to Russia, but the democratic forces seek an orientation towards the West – and are even talking about joining the EU. Although that sounds utopian at the moment, in the long term an alignment of the country with the European Union would be in our interests, too. For this reason, we need a mental “eastward enlargement” – and Belarus is surprisingly European in many respects.

Foto Huebner, picture alliance

A Stability Union or a Debt Union?

A Strategic Decision for Europe

Europe faces major investments in the future, but also mountains of debt. For this reason, it is crucial to align digital and environmental transformation with a stability-oriented fiscal policy. How is this aspiration reflected in the differing economic traditions of the EU member states? What steps need to be taken to create a stability union rather than a debt union?

Helmut Fohringer, dpa, picture alliance

Fluch und Segen

Goldreichtum in der Sahelregion

Die Sahelregion ist extrem reich an Gold. Doch Regierungen und große Teile der Bevölkerung profitieren nur wenig vom Goldabbau. Hauptprofiteure sind industrielle Firmen, individuelle Goldschürfer, Schmuggler, korrupte Staatsdiener und bewaffnete Gruppen wie Dschihadisten. Gold entwickelt sich immer mehr zum Treiber von Konflikten und Migration in der Region.

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About this series

International Reports (IR) is the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's periodical on international politics. It offers political analyses by our experts in Berlin and from more than 100 offices across all regions of the world. Contributions by named authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editorial team.

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Dr. Gerhard Wahlers



Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943