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Feminist Foreign Policy: Mongolian Style

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock's visit to Mongolia

The German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is traveling to Asia’s first all-female Foreign Minister conference in Ulaanbaatar: time to fact-check Mongolia’s newly discovered “Feminist Foreign Policy”. Not at least because Baerbock started to invoke Mongolia's example to underline her own German Feminist Foreign Policy.

IMAGO / NurPhoto

China: The new superpower in space?

A new arms race

The United States sees itself in a "space race" with China. But from Beijing's perspective an arms race in low earth orbit between the U.S. and China has long since begun. In reaching for the stars, China and the U.S. are not only competing for national prestige and global technological leadership, but also for geopolitical influence and military power.


Klare Voten bei Volksabstimmungen – kleine Fortschritte im Bereich der Außenbeziehungen

Letzter Abstimmungssonntag vor den Wahlen – Eckwerte für Verhandlungen mit der EU, beginnende Debatte zur Rolle der Schweiz in der Welt

Die vergangenen Tage und Wochen in der Schweiz waren gleich aus mehreren Gründen beachtenswert: Der erste Abstimmungssonntag des Jahres 2023 am 18.6. in der Schweiz wartete mit wichtigen Vorlagen auf und war zu einem gewissen Grad ein Stimmungstest für die Parlamentswahlen im Oktober. Dabei votierte das Schweizer Stimmvolk recht deutlich für ein Klimaschutzgesetz, für das COVID-Gesetz und – mit überwältigender Mehrheit – für die Umsetzung der OECD-Mindeststeuer. Die Beteiligung lag mit rund 42,5% etwas unterhalb des Mittels der letzten Jahre. Gewinner des Abstimmungssonntags waren die Parteien des moderaten bürgerlichen Lagers, mit ihren Abstimmungsempfehlungen, darunter auch die christdemokratisch geprägte EVP-Partnerpartei „Die Mitte“. Verlierer des Abstimmungssonntags sind neben der SVP vor allem die Sozialdemokraten (SP), die mit ihrer ablehnenden Haltung zur OECD-Mindeststeuer selbst ihre eigene Kernklientel offenbar nicht überzeugen konnten.

IMAGO / APAimages

Turkey after the elections

May makes everything new?

In the run-off elections of the Turkish presidential elections on 28 May, incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won against challenger Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, after the People's Alliance led by his AK Party had already won the majority in the Turkish parliament. When the old, new president presented the cabinet for the 28th legislative term on 3 June, the selection of the appointed ministers caused a stir. The current country report takes a look at announced steps and planned projects of the new government, then introduces some of the members of the new cabinet and analyses tendencies and trends for the coming period.

Imago / AAP

Timor-Leste at a crossroads

Old challenges for a new government

On June 26, Timorese President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate José Ramos-Horta will come to Germany to meet with Chancellor Scholz and President Steinmeier. Ramos-Horta is traveling at a crucial time for Timor-Leste. The small country is the most stable democracy in Southeast Asia, but it is also facing an economic precipice. Additionally, it is increasingly at risk of being caught between the geopolitical fronts in the Indo-Pacific.

IMAGO / Le Pictorium

The Blue Helmet Mission in Mali is facing its end

Further aggravation of the security crisis in the Sahel

Mali has asked the U.N. Peacekeeping mission in the West African country to leave. The military government is focusing on its partnership with Russia to battle jihadists. While the army has regained some territory with the help of Russian mercenaries and Russian-made helicopters central Mali, a hotspot of violence, but is unable to keep territory.

UN Photo / Elma Okic

Indictment on the state of our world – UNHCR’s new global trends report

The "Geneva Telegram" explores events in Geneva-based multilateral organizations on a current topic. This time, the focus is on the new global trends report of the UNHCR.

On 14 June 2023, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) presented its new global trends report on main developments in 2022. With a new record of 108,4 million, last year saw the highest (measured) increase of people forcibly displaced in a single year compared to the end of 2021. Due to the fighting in Sudan, the UNHCR counted 110 million forcibly displaced persons by mid-June 2023 already.

Adobe Stock / Dzmitry

Conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Peace Agreement in Sight?

Under Western mediation, Armenia and Azerbaijan are moving closer to a historic peace treaty. But the road to an agreement remains rocky, the security situation fragile.

Washington, Brussels, Chișinău, Moscow - the variety of places where high-ranking representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan have met for diplomatic talks in recent weeks symbolizes the geopolitical importance, but also the explosive nature of the ongoing peace process. Weakened by its war of aggression in Ukraine, Russia's traditional influence as a "spoiler" of a sustainable peace between the two Caucasus republics is waning. For the West, and especially for the European Union, this opens up new opportunities to distinguish itself as a political and security stakeholder in the South Caucasus.

IMAGO / NurPhoto

What next for Sri Lanka?

In 2023, the country’s struggle for political and economic stability is far from over

The situation in Sri Lanka continues to remain volatile and precarious with Sri Lankans still facing economic hardships in 2023. In November 2022, the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, together with its partner, Rule of Law Programme Asia, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Singapore, hosted a closed-door hybrid workshop, under Chatham House rules, with four sessions to bring together distinguished speakers from Sri Lanka, Singapore and outside the region. While the main takeaways of the workshop have recently been published in a Special Report that examines the constitutional, legal and political dimensions of the ongoing crisis, this country report assesses the latest developments on the economic, political and social fronts in Sri Lanka from a current yet broader perspective.

Guvernul României

Changing of the guard in Romania

Ciucă leaves, Ciolacu comes

On 12 June 2023, the Romanian Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă (PNL) resigned. Already on 15 June 2023, Marcel Ciolacu (PSD) was sworn in as the new Romanian Prime Minister with his new cabinet. The changing of the guard at the top of the government had been long agreed and could actually have proceeded smoothly, but was delayed by several weeks by massive teacher strikes and a very difficult collective bargaining process. The new government programme already gives an indication of how the governing parties are positioning themselves for the Romanian super-election year of 2024.