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Event Reports


The heads of the environmental departments from the capitals of the northeast states convened for a regional conference of the Forum CB27 in Aracajú, the capital of Sergipe.

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This year’s regional meeting of the CB27 took place in Aracajú, the capital of the federal state Sergipe.

The conference was introduced by the heads of the metropolitan network CB27, Delio Malheiros and Nelson Moreira Franco. The event was hosted by the city Aracajú. The director of the environmental department as well as the mayor joined the meeting as representatives of the city.

During two days the heads of the environmental departments from the capitals of the northeast states discussed about the implementation and possibilities for new projects and a further cooperation. The event focused on garbage disposal, energy efficiency and reforestation.

The event closed with the release of the „Caderno Adenauer“, the current issue deals with the topic „Governance and sustainable development in the cities”. The published work is published four times a year in Portuguese and handles the different task fields of the KAS in Brazil.

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Kathrin Zeller

Single title
January 23, 2015
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