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Event Reports

Pathways for a desirable future

Workshop on Energy

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On 30th march, the Brazilian center of International Relations(CEBRI) re-launched the project “Paths for the desirable future” for the third consecutive year, in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. In the beginning of its third year, the project approached the topic of energy. The workshop gathered a diverse audience that included scholars and representatives from the public and private sectors. This year, the event focused on two research areas: energy matrix and geopolitical security. Throughout the year some research studies and debates in those topics will be carried out, which will culminate with the presentation of the key themes that have emerged during the research of the project.

The ambassador Luiz Augusto Castro Neves, who is also the president of CEBRI, and Felix Dane, the representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, started the event by reiterating the importance of collaboration between both organizations. Castro Neves pointed out the importance of studying and researching issues concerned with energy efficiency, in order to find possible and needed solutions to increase the sustainability of growth in the country. Meanwhile, Felix Dane, claimed the importance of energy security for the economy and for relations amongst states.

Ciro Reis, PhD student in Geography in the UERJ, focuses his work on the Brazilian energy matrix. In his speech he made an enriching and informative presentation about the topic, showing striking data and relevant statistics. Ciro identified four key problems in the discussion about sustainable economic development, namely population, farming frontiers, industrialization and pollution.

Furthermore, Mr. Reis pointed out that while this debate has been taking place for the past 60 years, no big changes have come about. In order to democratize energy sources, an inclusive and sustainable economic growth strategy needs to be developed, one that brings innovation as well as preservation oflabor rights. Finally, it is key that society becomes deeply engaged in the development of these issues.

The next workshop about Conscious Energy will take place on the 16th of April in Brasilia, where debates will center on the topic “The new geopolitics of energy: Brazil and the South Atlantic”.

Marina Caetano

Translated by Pablo Lázaro

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Presentation from Ciro Reis (UERJ) cebri


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