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INFOSTRAG team of the Laboratory of Industrial and Energy Economics (EBEO) of National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Greece and Cyprus Office is supporting for another year the annual Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge via granting scholarships to students of Greek or Cypriot nationality intending to participate in the full programme.

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!

Expert talk

Desinformation and Religion

Conference in Thessaloniki in light of the war in Ukraine

Expert conference

Athens Security Forum

The New Europe Facing the challenges of multiple crises


Political Academy

Fighting propaganda in Europe in times of war


Greece and Europe - A new chapter with PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis

A debate between leaders of the European People's Party.


Ziller, der sächsische Nationalarchitekt Griechenlands: sein Vermächtnis 100 Jahre nach seinem Tod

Veranstaltung zum 100. Todestag des großen Architekten

Expert conference

Ermoupolis Seminar for the Information Society and the Economy of Knowledge 2023

Scholarships for the participation to the Ermoupolis Seminar 2022

Study and Information Program

Scholarship Programme KAS Greece/Cyprus

Become a member of the large KAS Greece/Cyprus family now!


Athens Security Forum

European Security after the War in Ukraine

Asset Publisher

Strategies to strengthen the role of women in modern center-right

Online event, in cooperation with the Secretariat of Party Platform of Nea Dimokratia

Productivity and Effectiveness of Teams Through Times of Crisis

A Scientific View

Real life problems tackled through a scientific perspective.

Regulating the Digital World

A discussion on digitalization

An experts' discussion

Investments and Entrepreneurship in a Digital Era

An experts discussion with students from the University of Komotini

Innovation and Gender Equality in Businesses

Innovative & actionable solutions that work to make companies more inclusive and successful employers.

Τrends in the European Economy and the prospects for Greece

On Monday, February 3, the experts discussion co - organized from Konrad Adenauer Foundation Greece and Cyprus and the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research titled « Τrends in the European Economy and the prospects for Greece» took place in Athens.

Key Geopolitical challenges for the EU: Energy & Defence

The Greece & Cyprus Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized in co-operation with the Glafkos Clerides Institute an international conference on “Key geopolitical challenges for the EU: Energy & Defence” in Nicosia, Cyprus, on Thursday, 19 September 2019.

Digital Democracy

An experts meeting on how digital technologies are driving a fundamental transformation of societies worldwide.

Women on Top Workshop for Leadership

May 2019

Developing your leadership skills in 3 days!

9th Panorama of Entrepreneurship and Career Development

March 2019

Workshops, Panels and Discussions to create your professional future!