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“The Employment of Alternative Energy to Reduce the Effects of Climate Change“

Participation is upon personal invitation only.

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In Jordan, one of the most arid countries in the world, droughts, heat waves, lack of rain and water scarcity are not new phenomena. The impacts of climate change are further exacerbating the problem. Therefore, KAS Jordan Office, in partnership with the Jordanian Climate Change & Environmental Protection Society (JOCCEPS), conducts a workshop on the 12th of December in Amman to discuss a growing utilization of renewable energy sources in Jordan, such as solar and wind energy projects.

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Amman, Jordan


Dr. Otmar Oehring

Internationaler Religionsdialog 030 26996 - 3743

Imke Haase

Imke Haase bild

Research Fellow, Project Manager +962 6 592 97 77-206 +962 6 59 33 087

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