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“Promote Knowledge on the Concepts of Human Rights“

Participation is upon personal invitation only.

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According to several needs assessment reports, there is a gap in the knowledge and understanding of human rights among Jordanians in the south comparing to the citizens in the centre and the north of Jordan. Therefore, KAS Jordan in cooperation with RDTF is organizing a two-day training workshop on “Promote Knowledge on the Concepts of Human Rights“on 30th and 31st August, 2014 in the hall of All Jordan Youth Commission in Irbid to promote human rights and raise awareness in that field

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Irbid, Jordan


Dr. Otmar Oehring

Internationaler Religionsdialog 030 26996 - 3743

Nida'a Al-Shraideh

Nida'a Al-Shraideh bild

Project Manager

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