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German-Jordanian Journalists’ Academy

KAS Jordan organizes a week-long Journalists’ Academy in Amman in which seven German and seven Jordanian journalists will team up to conduct research about current political issues relevant to German-Jordanian relations.

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International journalists’ academies, including cross-border participation, have proved to be an excellent tool for cultural and religious exchange, political discourse and the promotion of press freedom. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation has been organizing such events through its offices across the world.

An insightful and thought-provoking Journalists’ Academy, the first of its kind between Germany and Jordan, has already been conducted by KAS Jordan Office. This year, a week-long Journalists’ Academy will take place in Amman between Sunday 8 October and Sunday 15 October, in which seven German and seven Jordanian journalists will team up to conduct research about current political issues relevant to German-Jordanian relations. The event will be co-organized by JONA, the KAS program for the promotion of young journalists.

The German-Jordanian Journalists’ Academy is in line with KAS Jordan’s goals to encourage a continuous dialogue between the two countries, as well as to foster intercultural exchange and political thought.

This year’s research will focus on current issues, such as the relocation of Germany’s armed forces from Turkey to Jordan; youth and radicalization; climate change and resource shortages; women empowerment; refugee crises; and the cultural exchange between German and Jordanian institutions.

The participants will plan their topics, conduct research and interview partners in intercultural teams of two. Each journalist will write her or his own article about their findings which will be published in a multimedia-based, bilingual blog as well as in a German-Arabic print magazine. In addition, an external team will film a meta video of the seminar.

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Amman, Jordan


Dr. Annette Ranko



Imke Haase

Imke Haase bild

Research Fellow, Project Manager +962 6 592 97 77-206 +962 6 59 33 087
German-Jordanian Journalists' Academy

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