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Youth Academy 2020 - Al-Quds Center for Political Studies

Series of workshops in the framework of the Youth Academy 2020

The Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Jordan and its partner Al-Quds Center for Political Studies organising a series of 5 workshops for young members of political parties in the framework of the Youth Academy 2020. The workshops are part of the institutional Capacity-Building Program for Jordanian Political Parties of the KAS. The aim is to develop and empower young people in the fields of political party work and decision-making processes. The workshops will focus on introducing the participants to their rights and duties, strengthen their commitment to better serving their community and to give them better insights into party politics.

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Workshop 1

 A Reading of the Challenges to the Jordanian Economy in 2020

During the workshop a group of young women and men - whom are all members of political parties across Jordan – discusse the economic system in Jordan and developed their own economic programs and network.

The following topics were tackled by the trainer Dr. Rana El-Akhal during the workshop :

  • Introduction to the National Economy
  • Economic Indicators and their Impact on Citizens
  • Economic Security and Responsibilities of Political Parties

The workshop will take place on the the 14th of March, 2020.



Workshop 2

The Politician Orientation and Identity of Political Parties

In this workshop a group of young women and men will talk about political and ideological identities, were to position themselves and as a result how to better participate in the political landscape. 

The participants will be selected from 13 political parties across Jordan. 

The workshop will take place on the 16th of April 2020 via Zoom Video Call.


Workshop 3

Political Parties’ Internal Democracy

This capacity-building workshop aims to enhance the participants knowledge of good governance in state institutions and democratic processes within the political parties. The group of young political involved women and men are given tools to enable them to formulate their own opinions and to voice them within their parties. The targeted youth will be selected from 13 political parties across Jordan.

 The workshop will take place on the 22th of April 2020 via zoom video call


Workshop 4

Electoral Laws, Party Laws and Recent Changes

The participants will discuss electoral and party laws in Jordan in order to understand their impacts on the situation of political parties in Jordan. 

The workshop will take place on the 1st of May, 2020 via zoom video call.


Workshop 5

Party Media: Message and Tools

The proposed workshop aims to highlight the media landscapes involvement in politics and political parties. The group of young women and men will reflect about their own party´s media experience and what could be done differently in the future and how.

 The workshop will take place on the 19th of May, 2020 via zoom video call

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Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Hala Abu Ghazaleh

Project Manager +962 6 5929777 ext.: 204

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Al-Quds Center for Political Studies