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Lebanon 2018: Elections to what end?

The policy paper number 16 published by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Maison du Futur, “Lebanon 2018: Elections to what end?” is authored by Professor Joseph Maïla. The study investigates the upcoming elections, focusing on the new electoral law and its repercussions for the formation of a new parliament.

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Following extended debates, a new electoral law for the legislative elections slated for spring 2018 was finally adopted by the Lebanese Parliament on 16th June 2017; paving the way for the elections on 6th May 2018. These will be the first legislative elections held in over eight years. This delay was caused by three consecutive prorogations reinstating the legislature, which were the result of the political circumstances in the country.

The policy paper gives an introduction to the events that led to these extensions and further explains the current political landscape and situation of Lebanon; analyzing the effects of sectarianism, the Syrian refugee crisis, the Iranian-Saudi conflict, the role of Hezbollah, and regional politics on Lebanon. Furthermore, the study examines the new electoral law and the role civil society may play in the upcoming elections. As such, the Author explores the question: “Elections to what end?”.

For more information about the topic see the articles with the author Joseph Maïla in L'Orient le Jour and Annahar:

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