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Local Journalism Award Winners Visit Germany

Dialogue Programme for KAS Media Africa Local Journalism Award 2024 Winners

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2024 Africa Facts Summit Accra, Ghana

From Chaos to Clarity: Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption


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Conference on Public Service Broadcasting 2024

How to Rejuvenate Public Service Broadcasting Africa

KAS Media Africa is due to host its second conference on the revitalisation of public service broadcasting.


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Sustainable Journalism Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

Transforming Journalism Education in East Africa

KAS Media Africa supports a groundbreaking workshop aimed at integrating sustainability into journalism curricula across East Africa.


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The 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference

KAS Media Africa supports African Investigative Journalism

The largest gathering of investigative journalists, trainers and experts in Africa will return to Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa once again this October


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2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Reinventing Local Journalism in the Age of Disruption.

Join us for the 2024 Africa Journalism and Media Summit, 13 to 14 November in Harare, Zimbabwe, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.


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KAS Media Africa and the Graduate School of Media and Communications Return with New Insights!

KAS Media Africa will support this years “Managing Conflict in Today’s Newsroom”

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E-lection Bridge Africa - South by Southeast

Political Communication 2.0 in Mozambique

In close cooperation with KAS Maputo, the regional media programme takes the successful model of E-lection Bridge Africa on the road: Experienced facilitators will work with the democratic forces on modern political communication in Beira.


African Constitutionalism and the Media

Regional Conference at the University of Pretoria

Leading law and media practioners from the region meet in Pretoria to discuss the status quo and look for improvement in the future. KAS Media Africa and top lawyer Justine Limpitlaw present their "media law handbook" project for Southern Africa.


Joburg Radio Days

International Forum in Southern Africa

To this day, radio plays an important role within the African media landscape. KAS Media Africa supports the Joburg Radio Days, a first-class international forum, dedicated to topics ranging from news journalism to mobile solutions for the future.


Politische Kommunikation 2.0: Web TV

Theorie und Praxis in Angola

Markus Brauckmann, im vergangenen Bundestagswahlkampf zuständig für das Web-TV der CDU, führt politische Kommunikatoren aus Angola in diese zukunftsträchtige Thematik ein - anhand etlicher praktischer Beispiele aus dem Superwahljahr 2009.


In the Firing Line: Commentators in the Media

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

The recent firing of columnist Kuli Roberts demonstrated that the media failed to recognise that they had crossed the line of what was publically acceptable. Media academic Cowling asks whether there is a need for an ethics of media debate.


Kommentatoren im Fadenkreuz?

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Jüngste Beispiele scheinen zu belegen, dass südafrikanische Kommentatoren in den Medien über die Grenze des Erlaubten hinausgehen. Die Wissenschaftlerin Leslie Cowlings fragt in diesem Kontext nach der Ethik der Presse.


Web TV for Political Parties

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

In part II of the seminar series, Markus Brauckmann will give a talk on how web tv works for political parties. The case study: In 2009, he managed Chancellor Angela Merkel's internet video re-election campaign.


Web TV für politische Parteien

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Im Bundestagswahlkampf 2009 leitete Markus Brauckmann den Videowahlkampf von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Jetzt berichtet er im Rahmen der "Wits Journalism"-Seminarreihe von seinen Erfahrungen und zeigt, was Web TV in Wahlkämpfen leisten kann.


Nachrichtenjournalismus in südafrikanischen Lokalradios

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

Die Journalismus-Fakultät der angesehenen Wits University in Johannesburg lädt zu einer dreiteiligen Seminar-Reihe ein. Den Auftakt macht Franz Kruger, Direktor der Wits Radio Academy, mit einem Vortrag zum Stellenwert von Nachrichten im Lokalradio.


News broadcasting on SA community radio

Wits Journalism Seminar Mini-Series

The well-reputed journalism department of Wits University opens its three-part seminar series with new research findings by Franz Kruger: How well is community radio meeting the expectation that it should tell the local story?

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Africa Check Fellowship Programme 2024 in Dakar, Senegal

In August KAS Media Africa supported the Fifth Africa Check Fellows Programme for Francophone Journalists

Following two weeks of intensive training in Dakar, five fellows from Burkhina Faso, Côte d’lvoire, Senegal, DRC, and Cameroon successfully complete their course

Adenauer Media Lecture in Nairobi

Television is dead, long live television! Multimedia developments in television.

The KAS Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa organised an Adenauer Media Lecture at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya. Prof. Dr. Claudia Nothelle gave a lecture on the topic "Television is dead, long live Television! Multimedia developments in Television."

International Conference of the African Journalism Education Network

Sustainable Journalism Education

The KAS Media Programme Sub-Saharan Africa supported this year's International Conference of the African Journalism Education Network (AJEN) focused on the topic "Sustainable Journalism Education: Rising through the tide of a media and planet in crisis."

Global Media Forum 2024

KAS Media Africa once again took part in the largest international media conference in Germany

At this year's Global Media Forum in Bonn, we organised a panel discussion on the topic of "Journalism is not activism" together with our two other KAS Media Programmes.

First Reporter Slam Africa

Journalists from six African countries captivated and inspired the audience

The KAS Media Africa organised the first Reporter Slam in Africa with journalists from Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

2024 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival

A gathering of leading journalists, editors and innovators from around the world

Journalists from Africa attend with the support of the Media Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa to bring their respective perspectives, knowledge and experiences from Africa into discussions.

African Media Councils come together to strengthen the professional self-regulation of media content

Members of African Media Councils meet for the first time in Cape Town, South Africa.

Senior journalists, media experts, and members of Press and Media Councils from 13 African countries gathered in Cape Town to share context on the structures, operations, and sustainability of their organisations.

2024 Summer School for Political Speechwriters Concluded in Cadenabbia, Italy

The KAS Media Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa hosted an intensive workshop at Konrad Adenauer's Former Residence

Six African politicians and communication experts participated in the workshop. Facilitators from various countries guided them through essential speech-writing techniques. The event culminated in participants delivering individual speeches, showcasing their refined skills.

Curriculum Perspective of Journalism Education

Roundtable discussion

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung's Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa hosted a round-table at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg on journalism education.

Television is dead. Long Live Television!

First Adenauer Media Lecture at the University of the Witwatersrand

The Adenauer Media Lecture, organized by the Media Programme Sub-Sahara Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Center for Journalism at the University of the Witwatersrand, took place on March 19, 2024. Led by Professor Dr. Claudia Nothelle, the lecture explored the theme "Television is dead - long live television!" and delved into the challenges and opportunities facing television journalism in the digital age. Attendees engaged in thought-provoking discussions, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in shaping the future of journalism.