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Adenauer Media Leaders Academy

Annual Networking event for fellows and alumni of the Adenauer Fellowship

The Adenauer Media Leaders Academy is the annual networking event for fellows and alumni of the scholarship programme of the KAS Media Programme Asia, the Adenauer Fellowship. About 40-50 fellows and alumni from various Asian countries get the chance to meet face-to-face and participate in workshops under the topic AI - ethical journalism techniques, during the two days of the event. This year's Adenauer Media Leaders Academy will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Ateneo de Manila University sesquicentennial kick off

On June 14, the Ateneo de Manila University officially kicks off its sesquicentennial year celebration.


ANN Coordinators' Meeting

Meeting of the coordinators of the ANN members in Singapore. Keynote Speaker: Gilles Demptos, IFRA - Title: The changing newsroom - Organisational trends and emerging business models.


ANN Coordinators' Meeting - Report and Pictures

For Asian newspapers the future lies in the internet.


4th Annual Forum of Emerging Leaders in Asian Journalism

Global Recession, Asian Repercussions

The workshop seeks to attract the most promising among the contemporary crop of Asian journalists to discuss themes and issues arising from forces that drive journalism in the information age and those that will define their professional careers.


4th Annual Forum of Emerging Leaders in Asian Journalism - Report and pictures

The 4th forum for Emerging Leaders in Asian Journalism took place at the Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism (ACFJ) at the Ateneo de Manila University.


Pitik 7 : Facing Death

Forum series in photojournalism

Reflections on photojournalists’ confrontations with death, the ethical issues and the consequences they face when they report from conflict zones.With Karsten Thielker, 1995 Pulitzer Prize Awardee


Asia Media: What’s next

10th Anniversary of Asia News Network

Study and Information Program

2008 Korea Press Foundation Journalism Conference

“Peace and Prosperity in Asia and the Role of Media”

Korea Press Foundation as a leading journalists training and media research organization in Korea invites Asian journalists to join ‘2008 KPF Journalism Conference’.

Study and Information Program

"The Environmental Impact of Urban Development"

A 3-day training course for reporters and editors from various Laos daily newspapers and magazines. The conference will focus on the training of investigative journalists with the aim of developing more profound journalism skills and efficiency.


The Media and the Law: A difficult relationship

From October 19th until 21st academics and practitioners in the field of media law will gather in Nagoya/Japan to discuss existing tensions between the media and the law caused by respective legislation in their home countries.

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Adenauer Media Leaders Academy 2021

The Adenauer Media Leaders Academy, following the Adenauer Fall School in the pre-pandemic years, was held as an online networking event for Adenauer Fellowship students and alumni consisting of two networking sessions, one each day, four presentations with Q&As, and one Open Discussion per day.

Virtual Data Workshop Afghanistan - Data cleaning, online verification and fact-checking

This online workshop is for media practitioners based in Afghanistan - to imbue confidence in attendees, to harness the power of data and inspire their narratives and voices to the rest of the world.

Splice Beta Online 2020

Amidst the numerous disruptions to the media industry, we brought together the movers and players who are riding atop the wave of disruption.

Mobile Journalism Conference Asia 2020

The future of mojo is in Asia!

More than 750 people from over 63 countries have joined the world’s first virtual mobile journalism conference. The Mobile Journalism (MOJO) Conference Asia 2020 pivoted from a planned physical event to the online environment due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It combined live and online sessions, webinars and master classes, co-created with MOJO experts from worldwide.

Mobile Journalism Conference Asia 2019

This was the first ever Mobile Journalism Conference in Asia - a great event to network and learn from like-minded journalists. Over 250 reporters and academics from 31 countries came together in Bangkok, Thailand to exchange their ideas and skills on mobile reporting.

Media Programme publishes Mobile Journalism Manual

Multimedia journalists from all over Asia have produced a manual about mobile journalism. The online publication offers insights into this new storytelling method, explaining how reporters and newsrooms can produce good video reports by just using their phone.

Asia News Network begrüßt Phnom Penh Post

Führende englisch-sprachige Tageszeitung Kambodschas 23. Mitglied

Kambodschas führende englisch-sprachige Tageszeitung, die Phnom Penh Post, ist dem von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) geförderten Asia News Network (ANN) beigetreten. Die Geschäftsführer von ANN, Pana Janviroj, und Alex Odom (Phnom Penh Post) unterschrieben am Donnerstag einen entsprechenden Vertrag. Der Leiter des KAS Medienprogramms Asien, Torben Stephan, bestätigte die Vereinbarung mit seiner Unterschrift.

News Planning in Digital Newsrooms

ANN’s Lessons From Previous Collaboration Efforts and Steps Moving Forward

16 editors of the Asia News Network (ANN) – longstanding partner of the KAS Media Programme Asia – gathered in Singapore to discuss future ideas to ensure a smoother collaboration process. They were joined by Michael Ludewig, Managing Editor of the Swiss Blick Group, who provided an outsider’s perspective through his workshop.

Asia’s Investigative Journalists meet in Nepal

Walter „Robby“ Robinson was the star of Uncovering Asia, the largest conference for investigative journalism in Asia. 370 journalists from 50 countries travelled to Kathmandu to attend the event and every single one wanted a selfie with the 70-year-old. The conference is hosted biennially by the KAS Media Programme Asia in cooperation with the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN).

Political strategists meet for the E-lection Bridge in Colombo

Social Media is growing very important for election campaigns in Asia and the Pacific, while populists increasingly take influence. This is the result of the E-lection Bridge Asia-Pacific in 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where we held a three-day roundtable. We invited electoral campaign managers and strategists from twelve countries in the Asian and Pacific region.

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