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Event Reports

Future partnerships for SEECOM on international level

by Dobrina Trifonova
On 7 October 2016 the members of the South East Europe Public Sector Communication Association (SEECOM) met for their General Assembly in Brussels after this year’s SEECOM conference. The KAS Media Program South East Europe is co-founder of the biggest government communication conference with origins in South East Europe and of the association of the same name. This year SEECOM strengthened its partnerships with EU bodies as well as European governments and NGOs.

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EU values and goals should be clearly and simply communicated in order to reach broader public, said Ognian Zlatev, Chairman of SEECOM, in his welcoming speech.

Furthermore, SEECOM’s aim should be to gain more visibility beyond South East Europe and attract new members. Ognian Zlatev was re-elected in his function during the meeting. He underlined that the association’s structure and programme can serve as best practice for professional networking in the field of government communication.

Secretary General Vuk Vujnović shared last year’s achievements and introduced new projects, e.g. a high-level training for senior government PR officers in Budva (12-15 October 2016), which was in the meantime successfully realised in cooperation with the UK Government Communication Service. Vujnović was re-approved as SEECOM Secretary General. His commitment and professional work were emphasised by his peers.

The association gained six new members from Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, four of whom were present at the General Assembly this year. They introduced themselves and expressed their willingness to be part of future projects. SEECOM has about 60 members from 17 countries.

SEECOM members explored opportunities for future cooperation with representatives of the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Club of Venice and the Government Communication Office of the Netherlands. A common goal to improve professional standards and provide better communication with citizens was indicated. Therefore, the exchange was assessed positively by all delegates.

Christian Spahr, board member of SEECOM and Head of the KAS Media Program South East Europe, summarised that the discussion with partners from European institutions and governments was very beneficial for sharing information about upcoming events in the field and to envisage future joint activities. He expressed the willingness of the KAS Media Program South East Europe to support the goals of SEECOM in future.

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