📌 In light of China's cooperation with Central Asian states ranging from the fight against non-traditional security threats, to arms sales and technology transfer. Weak indigenous defense mechanisms and industry in Central Asian countries leave local actors vulnerable to external powers, which now next to Russia also include China. Yet Central Asian countries are not mere “policy takers”. Going beyond these two as their sole security patrons is, or should be, among the priority security policies for Central Asian leaders.
📌 The study sets out to provide European decision makers with a set of policy recommendations on how to strengthen their relations with local stakeholders in the field of security and defense.
📌How can European policy makers shift their policy priorities and instruments to enhance their security and military involvement in Central Asia? These and other questions are explored in this digital publication.
📄 FlipBook version: bit.ly/3ytofOB
🔗 MDPD Media Channels: linktr.ee/MDPD
📌 More info & #KAS4Security digital publications:
✔️ KAS Asia Pacific department: tinyurl.com/y8ylar6t
✔️ China’s role in the world: tinyurl.com/yc8h29nv
✔️ Germany and the Indopacific: tinyurl.com/y7vxvpeq
🔎 EU Foreign and Security Policy: https://lnkd.in/dPPjnDig
Pics: AdobeStock - Shutterstock. Doc: MDPD Papers - CC BY-SA 4.0.
This is a publication of the MDPD KAS in Brussels. The views expressed in this paper represent solely the author’s own analysis and not his employer’s nor those of KAS.