Asset Publisher

Expert talk

Securing Energy Supplies in the Middle East

This conference will assess the projections regarding energy demand in the Middle East for the coming decade and discuss how the EU can strengthen its cooperation with the region in this area with a special look at renewable energies.

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Brussels European Office
11, Avenue de l’Yser,
B-1040 Brussels
Zur Webseite



  • Teresa Ribeiro
    • Deputy Secretary General for Energy at the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean

      Sabina Wölkner

      Sabina Wölkner

      Head of Department 2030 Agenda +32 2 66931-77 +32 2 66931-62

      Dr. Luis Blanco

      Research Associate Multinational Development Policy Dialogue

      Mrs. Teresa Ribeiro delivers her key-note speech Luis Blanco, Resarch Associate, MNED
      First Panel Luis Blanco, Research Associate, MNED
      Second Panel Luis Blanco, Research Associate, MNED
      Third Panel Luis Blanco, Research Associate, MNED

      Asset Publisher