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Supporting Participative Democracy at the Local Level: Experiences from Ukraine and Moldova

The European Association for Local Democracy in cooperation with K onrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and theKettering Foundation

Local authorities are facing challenges to deliver sustainable solutions for their communities in a differentiated society and complex environment aggravated by on-going global pandemic. Enhancing participative democracy is thus a key to jointly develop efficient tools and instruments. Through this project ALDA together with Local Democracy Agencies, local authorities and civil society increased capacities and enhanced knowledge on participative approaches to jointly develop sustainable solutions in the selected cities and communities in Ukraine and Moldova.

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The project successfully built upon a series of objectives:
•    Giving local authorities and civil society groups the means to address local problems with participative approaches and therefore identifying more sustainable, fair and inclusive solutions to the community problems.
•    Creating permanent and solid links between local authorities and civil society organizations in the communities/cities of the project.
•    Fostering a sense of ownership among local communities to solve local challenges.
•    Dissemination of best practices and results of the project to a wider and diverse audience.

The event will present the project implemented over 2019 and 2020, its results and recommendations. The book reporting on the experience in Russian and English will be presented at this occasion.
The recommendations will feed the discussion on democracy support and its implementation at the local level in the future action plans of the European Commission.

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NH Brussels EU Berlaymont


Carolin Löprich

Carolin Löprich

Programme Manager Democracy and Sustainable Development +32 2 66931 71 +32 2 66931 62

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European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA)