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Reevaluating the United Nations Secretariat’s Contribution to Economic Development

In recent years, not least due to the reforms of the UN Secretary General António Guterres, the role of the United Nations Secretariat as a coordinator and actor in international development cooperation has grown in importance. Wasim Mir (Senior Fellow, UN Foundation) and Sebastian Borchmeyer (Senior Program Officer, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York) examined in this research report to what extent the United Nations Regular Budget should count as Official Development Aid (ODA) as defined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). For the UN Secretariat, the coefficient determining the ODA eligible share of an organization’s budget has been 18% since 2013 – this is considerably lower than the coefficient of other international (development) organizations. This underrating of the UN Secretariat's ODA Coefficient no longer does justice to its role in implementing the Agenda 2030. A reassessment seems therefore overdue.

Report of the delegation of Latin American think tanks to the United States

The role of think tanks in promoting, implementing and communicating the goals of Agenda 2030

From January 22 to 28, a delegation of Latin American think tanks travelled to New York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. to exchange views with organisations and think tanks in the United States

The Road Towards Cyber-Sovereignty Passes Through Africa


On November 18, UN Member States voted on a resolution led by Russia and China, paving the way towards a new global cybercrime treaty. The United States and its Western allies lost an opportunity to convince a majority of emerging and developing tech powers that multilateral, responsible governance can help them compete, boost, and build capacity for deploying converging cyber- and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. As developing countries line up behind China and Russia, the resulting normative alliance heralds the dawn of a new global order. Geopolitical dynamics will be shaped by multipolar competition over who, in cyberspace, owns and controls access to technological convergence – its intangible assets (datasets, source codes and tacit knowledge) and techniques, from AI, 5G, biotechnologies, to quantum computing. As cybercrime continues to rise, increasingly targeting critical infrastructure of high and low-income countries, a new form of geostrategic competition centers around imposing national Internet surveillance and control. Which governance model will ultimately prevail? The Sino-Russian model of cyber sovereignty and broad legal and normative definitions of cybercrime, or the Western model of shared, responsible governance and multilateral collaboration to close the global cyber-enforcement gap? Only time will tell, but the former is quickly gaining support from developing nations.

UNclimatechange / flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The UN’s Call to Climate Action

When, if not now?

On the 23rd of September 2019, the UN Climate Action Summit was held in New York with the clear statement by UN Secretary General António Guterres that the time for rhetoric is over and action is needed. Speaking slots were only allocated to countries that came up with a clear plan of action on how to tackle climate change.

Luncheon discussion with Dr. Gerd Müller and German nationals working for the United Nations

On September 24th, KAS New York office invited to a luncheon with Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, and German international servants working across different UN agencies. The occasion of Dr. Gerd Müller's stay in New York was the annual visit to the UN General Assembly and his participations in the SDG, Climate and Health Summits.

KAS pictures

Reception and dinner of the ‘Global Investors for Sustainable Development’ Alliance

On September 24th, KAS New York hosted a reception and dinner with the Strategy Group of the newly founded ‘Global Investors for Sustainable Development’ (GISD) Alliance. The group consisting of experts appointed by the CEOs of GISD members met in New York to develop a plan of action and to prepare the official launch of the GISD Alliance on October 16th.

Stephan Ulrich / Ständige Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland New York

Multilateralismus im Rampenlicht der internationalen Öffentlichkeit

Die 74. Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen

Debatten über den Klimawandel weltweit, die Krise des Multilateralismus, ungelöste Konfliktherde vor allem in Nahost wie auch die sich immer weiter verschärfenden sozio-ökonomischen Differenzen in Gesellschaften des digitalen Zeitalters bestimmten den Kontext der Debatten der 74. Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen.

The Afghan Peace Process

What Challenges Lie Ahead for an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led Solution?

The week before the UNAMA resolution was renewed, Dr. Ellinor Zeino, Head of KAS’ Office in Kabul, Afghanistan was in New York for a dialogue program with different UN agencies and permanent missions.

Data as Political Capital

What kind of Rules & Regulations do we need for a digitized Democracy

Digitization has completely altered the way our societies communicate and how political opinion-making is shaped. Foreign interference, online hate-speech, data leaks on social media platforms, fake-news have made it more important than ever to define a global rules-based system and code of conduct that sets a common standard and protects democracy.

Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America

José Luis Pérez Guadalupe, Professor at the Universidad del Pacifico in Peru, together with co-authors introduced the newest publication called Evangelicals and Political Power in Latin America at a book launch event at KAS New York. The meeting was co-organized by the KAS country office in Lima and featured contributing authors from Brazil, Costa Rica and Colombia presenting national case studies from their respective countries. The researchers also met with representatives of various United Nations agencies and faith-based institutions based in the New York City area.

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