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Democracy Works

Together with its South African partner, The Brenthurst Foundation, the KAS office New York launched the study Democracy Works.

Media as a Guardian of Democratic Values and Multilateral Institutions

KAS NY welcomes bloggers and independent journalists hailing from Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the DRC & South Africa who create content for the KAS supported media platform africablogging to examine how media can be a guardian of democratic values and multilateral institutions


„Nous sommes en train de recouler“

Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights are neither self-evident nor irrevocable – more than ever, we have to fight for them

On April 24th, 2019 the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege , met at KAS Office New York with representatives of UN agencies and non-governmental organizations. The focus of the ensuing discussion was how civil society can be even more instrumental in the fight against sexual violence in conflict zones.

Europe Goes to the Polls: What to Expect from the European Parliamentary Election

Mr. Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament, briefed the audience on the upcoming European elections, a watershed moment for the European Union. The event was cohosted by the American Council on Germany (ACG).

Simone D. McCourtie / World Bank / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

US-Entwicklungspolitik vor tiefgreifenden Reformen

Wechsel an der Spitze der Weltbank bildet nur einen Teil der Gesamtstrategie ab

Am 5. April 2019 haben die Exekutivdirektoren der Weltbank David Malpass einstimmig zum neuen Präsidenten der internationalen Entwicklungsorganisation gewählt. Malpass tritt seine fünfjährige Amtszeit am 9. April an. Dabei war die Nominierung von Malpass durch US-Präsident Donald Trump keineswegs unumstritten. Vielen Beobachtern gilt die Nominierung als Baustein für einen Paradigmenwechsel, mit dem die US-Entwicklungspolitik auf die zunehmende Bedrohung nationaler Interessen nicht zuletzt durch die Volksrepublik China reagiert. Die Reorganisation der Behörde für Entwicklungshilfe, eine stärkere Einbeziehung der Privatwirtschaft und die Schaffung einer neuen Entwicklungsbank sind Kernaspekte der neuen Konzeption.

Discussion on Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System

Dr. Max-Otto Baumann, Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute, introduced a pre-liminary version of the report titled Shades of Grey: Earmarking in the Multilateral Development System at KAS New York Office soliciting feedback from a group of experts from UN agencies and Member States’ missions.

Opportunities and Pitfalls in Practical Translation of Youth Inclusivity for Sustainable Peacebuilding in Africa

This paper takes a closer look at the two Security Council resolutions pertaining to Youth, Peace and Security as well as the independent progress study and identifies opportunities and pitfalls for practical translation of youth inclusivity with regards to economic participation, gender inclusion and access to social services in Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania, respectively.

KAS New York

Contemporary Challenges to the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, KAS New York, NYC BAR Association

Dinner with Mr. Martin Jäger, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

During a small gathering with German UN staff members at the KAS New York Office, State Secretary Jäger reaffirmed his ministry’s strong commitment to the United Nations system and multilateralism. No major country can benefit more from a rules-based world order than Germany.

Migration and Demography in Sub-Sahara Africa

Dr. Stephen Smith, Professor of African and African American Studies at Duke University and Author of the Scramble for Europe speaks at the New York Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation on January 15th, 2019.

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