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UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, Diego Garcia-Sayan, is visiting the KAS New York Office

In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding and close cooperation with the KAS Rule of Law Programs, Diego Garcia-Sayan paid a working visit to the KAS office in New York.

Visit of Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert to welcome the new directors of the KAS offices in New York and Washington

New directors have been appointed to lead the operations of the KAS offices in New York and Washington D.C. Paul Linnarz succeeds Nico Lange in the Washington Office while Andrea Ostheimer takes over the New York office from Dr. Stefan Friedrich. They were both introduced as part of two receptions held by Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, current Chairman of KAS and former President of the German Bundestag.

40 years American Convention on Human Rights

Secretary-General of the United Nations attends festivities

Multilateralism at a Critical Juncture: Opportunities and Responsibilities in a new Era of Globalization

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert speaks at United Nations Headquarters

Youth, Peace and Security in Africa

The missing piece

Die Vereinten Nationen – UNbezahlbar?!

Warum wir uns die UNO leisten müssen

Es ist ein Leichtes, auf die Vereinten Nationen zu schimpfen: vom sich selbst blockierenden Sicherheitsrat über nicht enden wollende Friedenseinsätze bis zur überbordenden Bürokratie und jahrzehntelang aufgeschobenen Reformvorhaben bietet die Organisation viele Angriffsflächen. Meint man es mit Multilateralismus und internationaler Zusammenarbeit jedoch Ernst, tut man gut daran, einen differenzierteren Blick auf die 1945 gegründete Weltorganisation zu werfen.

A New Generation’s Approach to European Security Cooperation and Trans-Atlantic Relations

Ansichten einer neuer Politikergeneration

“To keep the European Union together, we must change;” this was the message that Nikolas Loebel, a member of the German Bundestag, delivered during a discussion-luncheon with members of the American Council on Germany and other foreign policy experts at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung New York Office on May 24th. The occasion of the event was to discuss the future of European security cooperation and dangers facing the liberal order.

Security Policy Dialogue in Sub-Saharan and West Africa

Interview with Tinko Weibezahl

Tinko Weibezahl, Head of the KAS Regional Program of Security Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa, was in New York for a dialogue program on counter-terrorism in West Africa. In this video, he talks to Dr. Stefan Friedrich, Director of the KAS New York Office, about the goals of his regional program and KAS's contributions towards the education of young soldiers.

Navigating the Complex Response to Extremism

Dialogue program on counter-terrorism in West Africa

For such a complex problem as violent extremism, there is no simple solution. This became clear during a three day exchange between West African terrorist experts, representatives from the UN and other relevant think thanks in New York. It takes comprehensive responses, starting at very different levels of state and society, to tackle this problem. The experts also agreed that exclusively relying on military security approaches to terrorism does not provide long-term solutions.

Ein Netzwerk fürs Leben - Stipendiatentreffen im New Yorker KAS-Büro

Dem Kernanliegen des Stipendienprogramms der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung entsprechend werden junge Menschen gefördert, die global für demokratisch-freiheitliche Werte eintreten. In diesem Sinne verfolgt das KAS-Büro in New York neben seiner politischen Arbeit auch das Ziel, mit den Altstipendiaten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Kontakt zu bleiben und diese untereinander zu vernetzen.

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