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Nationalism in Asia and Europe

Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Nationalism is a powerful human force that is on the resurgence in Asia andEurope. The effects of globalisation have inflamed nationalistic sentimentsin people all over the two continents. This issue of Panorama: Insights intoAsian and European Affairs offers perspectives on the evolving nature ofnationalism, including its relationship to regional integration efforts andglobalisation, as well as its impact on the domestic and foreign policies ofcountries in Europe and Asia.

Im Osten nichts Neues


Die seit 50 Jahren regierende People's Action Party von Premierminister Lee Hsien Loong gewann auch die 12. Singapurer Parlamentswahl mit Zweidrittelmehrheit. Die im Wahlkampf selbstbewusst aufgetretene Opposition konnte ihre Wahlziele nicht erreichen und musste einen von drei zuvor gewonnenen Wahlkreisen abgeben. Nur sechs Oppositionelle schafften es ins neu gewählte Zwei-Parteien-Parlament.

Women, Policy and Political Leadership

Regional Perspectives in Today's World

Through the Asian Women Parliamentarian initiative, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung hopes to address the role of parliamentarians in forging the women leadership agenda and pushing it forward through best practices and shared experiences. Part of regional network-building includes knowledge management, which we present in the form of our latest publication: "Women, Policy and Political Leadership: Regional Perspectives in Today's World".

From the Desert to World Cities - The New Terrorism

Panorama - Insights into Asian and European Affairs

In this issue of Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs, we have askedauthors from various countries to shed light on the factors that have contributed to therecent development in the Middle East and to discuss the implications of terrorism onsocieties in Asia and Europe. Special attention was given to the recruitment of young people, the attractiveness of terrorist groups to the youth, the role of religion and socialmedia, as well as preventive de-radicalization measures.

Activities Report 2014

Our work in Singapore

We are pleased to present you our latest Activites Report 2014. It's a great chance to find out more about the topics we work on, our publications as well as the numerous conferences we have organized during the last year. Take a look!

Die Zukunft der Asiatisch-Europäischen Zusammenarbeit

Shaping a common Future for Asia and Europe

Dieser Band schließt ein dreijähriges Projekt der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ab, welches in Kooperation mit der Europäischen Union entstanden ist. Durch unseren "EU-Asia Dialogue" ist ein Netzwerk von Akademikern, Policymakern und NGOs entstanden, welches eine Plattform für den Austausch von Erfahrungen und "Best Practices" bietet.

Was bedeutet der Aufstieg des Islamischen Staat (IS) für Südostasien? - Einfluss, Wahrnehmung und Reaktion

Von Marcel Schlobach

Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Einfluss der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) in Südostasien mit besonderem Fokus auf Indonesien, Malaysia und die Philippinen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über die Implikationen des Aufstiegs des IS für Südostasien zu verschaffen.

The Future of Asia-Europe Cooperation

Shaping a Common Future for Europe and Asia

This booklet concludes a three-year project co-funded by the EuropeanUnion and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The “EU-Asia Dialogue” establisheda network of policymakers, academics and non-governmental actors;thus providing a platform for exchange and policy learning.

Social Cohesion

Adressing Social Divide in Europe and Asia

There is a great opportunity for exchange on policies which have workedand lessons learnt. Numerous countries in Asia and Europe have introduced policy initiativesto address various aspects of social cohesion. Many of these initiatives tackle differentsub-topics of this sometimes vague concept. While the policies themselves are often nottransferable, they can still provide ideas and could be adapted to local circumstances.

Representatives of the Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus condemn the assasination attempt against Hon. Shukria Barakzai

Just a month ago, a group of Asian women parliamentarians gathered in Singapore to discuss common policy areas and steps forward to forge stronger women's political participation in the region. Hon. Shukria Barakzai, Member of Parliament Afghanistan was one of the delegates who actively contributed to the discussions. Just this week on the 16th of November, the caucus heard the news of her attack in Kabul and publish the following statement to express solidarity against the attack.