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Expert conference

United by Violence, Divided by Cause?

A Comparison of Drivers of Radicalisation in Asia and Europe

From the 13th to 14th January 2020, the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia/Singapore will host the high-profile academic conference titled “United by Violence, Divided by Cause? A Comparison of Drivers of Radicalisation in Asia and Europe” in Singapore. A group of renowned professors from various disciplines will discuss the similarities and differences of radicalisation and political violence in Asia and Europe. What are the differences between radicals and perpetrators of political violence in Europe and Asia, what do they share and what makes them violent after all? These questions are treated at the conference and the subsequent workshop.

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Violent acts like this year’s Islamist suicide attacks on churches and hotels in Sri Lanka or the attack on a Sikh temple in Germany repeatedly raise the question of the origin of individual’s and group’s radicalisation. Radicalisation and subsequent acts of violence are considered to challenge the stability of the state and its institutions of rule of law, and, more often than not, also impact a country’s international relations. While some groups appear very prominent at the moment, the phenomenon is neither limited to one group nor one world region. Often, however, research literature and media attribute the emergence of violence to specific local factors or groups. But what do radicalising groups and individuals share? What are the differences between radical and violent groups in Asia and Europe and what do they have in common?
The conference and the subsequent workshop titled “United by Violence, Divided by Cause? A Comparison of Drivers of Radicalisation in Asia and Europe” aim at a systematic comparison of developments in Asia and Europe and causes of political violence. The workshop seeks to enable a contribution to identifying approaches and policies which may prevent deadly violence to emerge.

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Dr. La Toya Waha

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