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Study and Information Program

fully booked

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 12

Module 04: Bicameralism and Balance of Power in Germany: The interplay between State and Federal Politics

The final module of the KASYP training programme aims to provide participants with an international perspective on global politics, multilateralism, and exposure to the role of political parties in different governance levels within a European political system.


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Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 15

Module 02: Political Parties in Election Campaigning

The second module aims to provide participants with the understanding and skills of electoral campaigning and its many tools as well as the importance of providing organized electoral choices to citizens through political parties, and training on democratic leadership (second session on co-ownership).


Promoting Equality Through Gender-Sensitive Policies and Budgets

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus E Meets

The second AWPC E-Meet will be taking place on July 23rd, focusing on "Promoting Equality Through Gender-Sensitive Policies and Budgets." This event is an excellent opportunity for AWPC members to learn, exchange ideas, and collaborate on advancing gender equality through informed policies and budgeting practices. We are honored to be joined by Dato’ Ong Bee Leng, Chief Executive Officer of Penang Women's Development Corporation, Malaysia. Dato’ Ong will share her extensive expertise and insights on the subject as the main speaker.

Study and Information Program

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) – Batch 16

Applications NOW OPEN!

The Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) is a capacity-development programme aimed to develop a cadre of young political leaders who will take lead in the advancement of responsiveness and accountability of political parties in Asia.


fully booked

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) – Batch 14

3rd Training-Workshop on Local Governance and Development

For the third module, the main objective is to provide participants with tools and knowledge to create effective democratic governance in societies facilitated by political parties at the local level.


State of Europe 2024

Europe in 2024 and beyond - EU Elections: global impact, regional perception?

In collaboration with the German European School Singapore (GESS) and the GESS Parents' Committee the public cross-sectional evening event will see more than 200 people from different disciplines.


Call for Papers - Asian Summer School

4th Edition of the Asian Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy in Taiwan

Organised under the auspices of the Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the School will bring together an international team of academics and practitioners to train and instruct a group of 16 MA/PhD researchers, practitioners and civil society leaders in the field of political parties and democracy between 20 – 26 May 2024, Taipei, Taiwan at the National Chengchi University (NCCU)

Expert conference

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting

Promoting Gender Equality and Climate Change Mitigation in Asian Parliaments

In 2024, the Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus members will be meeting to discuss “Gender Equality and Climate Change Mitigation in Asian Parliaments” looking at the confluence on how women parliamentarians can engage together to share experiences from their country discuss policy priorities and campaigns, center frontline experiences, and coordinate for urgent needed action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Manager for Digitalisation (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Manager on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of digitalisation (e governance, Smart Cities) to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Manager will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.

Study and Information Program

Job Announcement: Project Coordinator (m/f/d)

For three months we are looking for a Project Coordinator on a part-time basis (20hrs/week)

For our activities & projects between April and June we are looking for additional support in the area of security policy/multilateralism to facilitate the planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation of several events. The Project Coordinator will be employed on an honorary basis of 20 hrs per week for the duration of three months.

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Sustainable Urban Management - Sharing European and Asian Experiences

As part of the „EU-Asia Dialogue“-project, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organized a panel discussion on “Sustainable Urban Management - Sharing European and Asian Experiences”. Speakers from Europe and Asia discussed challenges and opportunities for sustainable urban planning with the participants.

Climate Change Diplomacy - Prospects for Regional and Global Agreements

On April 18-19, 2012, an international workshop on “Climate Change Diplomacy” took place at the Hilton Petaling Jaya Hotel in Kuala Lumpur / Malaysia. This event was part of the "EU-Asia Dialogue"-project.

Conference Report: Food Security and Food Safety

Perspectives for Regional and Global Cooperation

On March 22, 2012, an international workshop on “Food Security” took place at the European Policy Centre in Brussels. This workshop was part of the "EU-Asia Dialogue"-project.

Workshop Report: Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Safety

This workshop organised by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the EU Centre in Singapore has brought together energy and policy experts to discuss nuclear issues ahead of the 1st Asia–Europe Meeting (ASEM) Seminar on Nuclear Safety, to be held in Singapore between 13-15 June.


Building Bridges in South Asia I

This year's first meeting of the Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks in April 2012 in Kathmandu addressed the motto of the 17th SAARC Summit "Building Bridges". Members of the Think Tank network, wghich is supported by the Regional Programme SAARC of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and experts form all eight countries of the SAARC region discussed possibilities to strengthen physical, emotional and economic linkages in South Asia. For a detailed conference report please click on the PDF file below.

ACSA 2012

Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012

The conference "Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012", jointly organized by the Regional Programme SAARC of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (IPCS), looks at the state of conflicts in Afgnaistan, Pakistan and Myanmar as well as in the Northeat of India, at the conflict with the Naxalites, Jammu and Kashmir and the post-conflict developments in Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Führungsverantwortung für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft

Informationsprogramm für Politikerinnen aus Asien

„Führungsverantwortung für Frauen in Politik und Wirtschaft“ – das war das Thema eines Informations- und Dialogprogramms für Politikerinnen aus Asien, das vom 10. bis 14. Juli 2011 in Berlin und Brüssel stattfand und von dem Regionalprojekt Politikdialog Asien zusammen mit dem Multinationalen Entwicklungsdialog Brüssel organisiert worden war.

Common Grounds: Ways to Regional Cooperation in South Asia

Challenges and Chances for Peace and Stability in the SAARC Region

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) organized the conference, "Common Grounds: Ways to Regional Cooperation in South Asian - Challenges and chances for peace and stability in the SAARC region ", with an aim to explore the status of regional cooperation and to create opportunities for regional cooperation in the SAARC region. Below is the entire publication of the workshop. At present it is available in German only.

COSATT 2011: Energy and Environmental Security II

A common approach for South Asia / Conference in Colombo

As part of the regular meetings of the COSATT-network (Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks) Experts from the region presented papers and discussed issues on Energy and Environmental Security in South Asia for regional cooperation in Colombo on June 2011. Please find the complete report of the conference below.

Nepal's National Interests V

On way to a new constitution – Secularism in Nepal

Having a working constitution is of priority to Nepal. In this edition of NIP experts' discuss if secularism will be regarded as a cornerstone of the country’s constitution?