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Tackling constitutional challenges on the road to the European Union: Perspectives from SEE accession countries

Perspektiven der südosteuropäischen Beitrittsländer

After a fruitfull copperation in 2011, the KAS-RLPSEE decided to continue the project initiated by the Association for Development Initiatives – Zenith focusing on the constitutional challenges on the road to the European Union of the SEE countries.

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The Association for Development Initiatives – Zenith, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Rule of Law Program South East Europe and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation organized in Skopje a regional conference on the 2 December 2011 which had as aim to examine the impact that the process of European integration will have on national constitutions in South-East European accession countries Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia.

Gathering distinguished academics, constitutional court judges, Members of Parliament and representatives of executive branch of power from the respective countries the conference initiated a debate on this often overlooked aspect of the integration process. With a view to maintaining, deepening and further expanding this debate the proposed project identified country-specific issues and experiences from the regional conference which merit further elaboration and in-depth exploration.

Selected participants to the regional conference will be invited to prepare an academic article focusing on one these issues, and will receive guidance framing the scope and format of the articles. An edited compilation of the academic articles will be published and disseminated in the region ensuring a proper follow-up to the debate opened in 2011.

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Skopje, Republic of Macedonia


Doru Toma

Doru Toma bild

Project Coordinator +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27
Expert conference
December 2, 2011
hotel Arka, Conference Hall II, Skopje, Macedonia
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