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Independence and impartiality of the judiciary system

Justice must be seen to be done

KAS RLPSEE and EUROPEAN CENTRE/QENDRA EUROPIANE are organizing training sessions for judges in the project ”Independence and impartiality of the judiciary - Justice must be seen to be done”

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The project aims at improving the efficiency of juridical proceedings in Albania, in agreement with the fair trial standards. It also aims to enhance the skills of judges of the First Instance and Appellate Courts in three regions who will acquire a better understanding and knowledge of the European standards related to Article 6 of the ECHR. A special focus will be on the independence and impartiality of the courts.

The European Centre Albania will hold 2 one-day training sessions for judges of the First instance Courts of Tirana, Vlora and Korça.

In addition, the Centre will organize an advocacy campaign to promote the project through an Open Day in each region where the project is implemented.

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Tirana - Albania


Raluca Dobrean

Raluca Dobrean bild

Research Assistant/Programme Coordinator +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 323 31 27

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Qendra Europiane _ European Centre Albania