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Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Servants to Conduct Administrative Procedures More Efficiently and Effectively

3rd phase

The project of the Human Resources Management Service Belgrade in collaboration with the KAS Rule of Law Programm South East Europe foresees realization of activities first of all in the area of professional development of civil servants.

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Therefore, it has been planned to realize one-day and several-day training sessions on administrative procedure and administrative dispute, constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia and fight against corruption and discrimination during 2009.


Two two-day training sessions on administrative procedure and administrative dispute have been planned. Three trainers will be engaged to hold the training: Katarina Manojlović-Andrić, a judge of the Constitutional Court of Serbia, Mirjana Rašić, a retired judge of the Constitutional Court of Serbia and Milena Savatić, a retired justice of the Supreme Court of Serbia. Training sessions will cover all relevant topics concerning the implementation of the Law on Administrative Procedure and Administrative Dispute such as:














  • Definition and types of the administrative procedure,
  • Principles of the general administrative procedure, *Competence,
  • Interested party in the administrative procedure and a person having an interest in participating in the administrative procedure,
  • Communication between the authorities and interested parties in the administrative procedure,
  • Filing paper documents,
  • Initiating the administrative procedure,
  • Process to be completed prior to the first-degree decision, *Decision and conclusion,
  • Appeal in the administrative procedure,
  • Extraordinary legal remedies,
  • Enforcement of final administrative acts,
  • Administrative dispute.
Four two-day training sessions on the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia have been planned to take place during 2010. Three trainers will be engaged to hold the training: Bosa Nenadić, the president of the Constitutional Court of Serbia, Katarina Manojlović-Andrić, a judge of the Constitutional Court of Serbia, and Mirjana Rašić, a retired judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia.

The training on the constitutional order of the Republic of Serbia will cover the following topics:

















  • Principles of the Constitution,
  • Economic system of the Republic of Serbia,
  • National Assembly,
  • President of the Republic,
  • Government,
  • Public Administration,
  • Ombudsman,
  • Army of Serbia,
  • Courts,
  • High Judicial Council,
  • Public Prosecutor`s Office,
  • the Constitutional Court,
  • Human rights and freedoms,
  • Rights of ethnic minority members,
  • Protection of constitutional rights and freedoms with particular emphasis on constitutional appeal.
When it comes to fight against corruption, thirteen training sessions covering different aspects of fight against corruption have been planned. The training sessions should be realized in cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Agency.

The training in the area will include six training sessions with the topic “Openly about corruption”. These sessions will provide general information about causes and consequences of corruption and possible preventive anti-corruption measures. Issues related to the conflict of interest in discharge of public office and the obligation of office holders to declare their property will also form an integral part of the above-mentioned training.


This segment will also involve five training sessions on the objectives and structure of integrity plans in public administration bodies. One of the anti-corruption measures provided by the Action Plan for the implementation of the National Strategy for Fight against Corruption is drafting and adoption of integrity plans. These training sessions are designed both for decision-makers in public administration bodies and all other civil servants.


In the same area of fight against corruption two training sessions on ethics in public administration and on ethical standards of civil servants` conduct have been planned. The objective of the training is familiarization with standards of integrity and conduct in the discharge of duties of the civil servants who have an important role in maintaining trust in public institutions and winning the respect of citizens for them.


In March 2009 the Anti-Discrimination Act was adopted in order to enable a consistent policy of fighting all forms of discrimination. To that end the Service is planning to organize at least two training sessions in the area, which would be aimed at all civil servants.

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Belgrade, Serbia


  • Katarina Manojlović-Andrić
    • Mirjana Rašić
    • Milena Savatić
    • Bosa Nenadić

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Human Resources Management Service