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Training of Trainers of National Judicial Training Institutions in South East Europe

The technique of drafting judgments - Part I: Judgments in Civil Cases

This training of two representatives (trainers) from National Judicial Training Institutions in SEE aims to develop common training techniques for the drafting of judgments in civil cases, as well as to promote the creation of a network of trainers.

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  • Program as pdf-download at >>
  • Training material as pdf-download at >>

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Bucharest, Romania


  • Dr. Horst Proetel
    • Senior International Legal Expert
    • INM
    • former Presiding Judge at the Supreme Court of Thuringia
    • Germany
  • Mr. Viorel Voineag
    • Judge at the Bucharest Court of Appeals.


Successful start of the pilot project “Training of Trainers”: Training of national legal training institutions in South East Europe
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Training of Trainers of National Judicial Training Institutions in South East Europe
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PhD Stefanie Ricarda Roos

Training of Trainers nationaler juristischer Ausbildungsstätten in Südosteuropa v_2