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Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Die Verantwortlichkeit der Regierung und die Gewaltenkontrolle

Tagungsband der Referate und Diskussionsbeiträge vom Fachgespräch

Dieses Nachschlagewerk enthält die Referate und Diskussionbeiträge eines Fachgesprächs, das zum Thema "Rechtsstaatlichkeit – Die Verantwortlichkeit der Regierung und die Gewaltenkontrolle“ 2009 in Novi Sad (Serbien) stattgefunden hat.

Corruption and Anti-corruption in the justice system

Eine Studie von Cristi Danilet

The Rule of Law Program South-East Europe Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung launches book on corruption and fight against corruption - "Corruption and anti-corruption in the justice system" by Judge Cristi Danileţ, Vice-President of the First Instance Court Oradea.

Selected Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany - Jubilee Edition

Translation of relevant decisions of the German Constitutional Court into Bosnian

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz) in 2009, the Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (RSP SOE) has translated essential decisions by the German Constitutional Court into several languages of the Western Balkans. The collection of decision opens with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier, president of the German Constitutional Court. The director of the RSP SOE, Dr. iur. Stefanie Ricarda Roos, contributed a foreword as well. Volume III - the translation into Bosnian - was published in October.

Integrity Agency With Integrity Issues?

An analysis of recent developments regarding the work of the National Integrity Agency and National Integrity Council

In the past several months, post-accession monitoring in Romania has been focused, for good reason, on the financial crisis of the Romanian justice system. As a result, important developments regarding the work of the National Integrity Agency, in particular the challenges to the credibility of ANI and the National Integrity Council, have received too little public attention. The remaining shortcomings regarding the work of these institutions are manifold and complex. Therefore, a closer look at recent developments with regard to their work is justified.

Selected Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany - Jubilee Edition

Translation of relevant decisions of the German Constitutional Court into Macedonian

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the German Constitution (Grundgesetz) in 2009, the Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (RSP SOE) has translated essential decisions by the German Constitutional Court into several languages of the Western Balkans. The collection of decision opens with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans-Jürgen Papier, president of the German Constitutional Court. The director of the RSP SOE, Dr. iur. Stefanie Ricarda Roos, contributed a foreword as well. Volume II—the translation into Macedonian—was published in September.

Rechtsstaat in Lectures - Lecture No. 4

Transitional Justice: The German Experience After 1989

The contribution by Lawyer Markus Rau analyzes the verdicts by the German Federal Court of Justice, the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights in the so-called “Mauerschützenfällen”, i.e. those cases in which persons responsible for the killings at the inner-German border had been sanctioned by criminal law. The article is based on a speech given by the author during the 2nd German-Romanian Criminal Law Conference in Bucharest on 10 March 2007. The conference had been organized by the Rule of Law Program SEE and the German-Romanian Lawyers’ Association.

Rechtsstaat in Lectures – Lecture No. 3 (Serbian translation)

„Vladavina prava“ kao preduslov za pristupanje Evropskoj uniji

The third issue of the Rechtsstaat in Lectures-series, __The “Rule of Law” as a Requirement for Accession__ to the European Union describes the concept of the rule of law from a continental, in particular German, legal point of view and examines the basic elements and prerequisites of a state based on the rule of law. The lecture also illustrates the implications by the rule of law on state practice, and uses some examples from Romania in particular, as one of the two European countries which have most recently joined the European Union.*Serbian Version

"Criminal Transitional Justice – From Nurnberg to the Romanian Post-Communism"

The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes in Romania are proud to announce the launching of the publication “Transitional Justice. From Nuremberg to the Romanian Post-Communism”, written by Raluca Grosescu and Raluca Ursachi.

Rechtsstaat in Lectures – Lecture No. 3

The “Rule of Law” as a Requirement for Accession to the European Union

The third issue of the Rechtsstaat in Lectures-series describes the concept of the rule of law from a continental, in particular German, legal point of view and examines the basic elements and prerequisites of a state based on the rule of law. The lecture also illustrates the implications by the rule of law on state practice, and uses some examples from Romania in particular, as one of the two European countries which have most recently joined the European Union.

Rechtsstaat in Lectures - Lecture No. 2

The Applicability in Administrative Procedures of the Right of Access to Court

The Applicability in Administrative Procedures of the Right of Access to Court under Article 6 and the Right to an Effective Remedy under Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights - The Case of Bulgaria, is the second lecture published in the in-house series "Rechtsstaat in Lectures". The author of the article, Professor Pieter van Dijk, is President of the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State of the Netherlands and Member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice-Commission). He is a former member of the European Court of Human Rights.

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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

Event Reports

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

Press Review

On a monthly basis the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe publishes a press review collecting selected articles and reports from newspapers and news portals in English and German. Giving our readers an overview over the most important developments, we focus on news reports in the areas of democracy and the rule of law. The press review covers the following ten countries, where we also implement our activities: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Romania and Serbia.

Translation of Federal Constitutional Court decisions

In order to strengthen the institutional and judicial cooperation between Germany and the countries of South East Europe, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung considers translations of landmark decision of the Federal Constitutional Court as an important step in the realm of preserving fundamental rights and liberties, safeguarding the constitutional order and applying the rule of law. All decision so far translated can be accessed in several official languages of the countries of South East Europe (PDF file and EPUB).

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