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Study and Information Program

International Summer School Sarajevo 2024

A great opportunity for students and young professionals to enhance their knowledge on transitional justice and its role in promoting human rights and rule of law.

Expert conference

War Crimes in Prijedor and its Surroundings - Message for the Future

By convening legal experts, journalists, survivors and next generation, the conference casts a spotlight on seeking justice and deriving lessons from the past.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Online-Training “Public Relations / Spokespersons at Courts”

Online training with the judge and expert for public relations Ingrid Kaps (President of the District Court in Erding, Germany)

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLP SEE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with the judge and trainer Ingrid Kaps and the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution in Montenegro organized an online training on public relations and press work at courts for Montenegrin judges and spokespersons.

Expert conference

Conference "Rule of Law Checklist Montenegro"

Centre for Democracy and Human Rights / RLPSEE

At the event "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro", first of all one of the authors, Mr. Milorad Markovíc will present the work "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro" published in 2020. This analysis deals with the rule of law structures of the EU accession candidate Montenegro. The basis for this study is the "Rule of Law Checklist" of the Venice Commission, which was structured and adapted by Dr. Mahir Muharemovic of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The focus of the analysis is to examine the practical implementation of rule of law criteria in Montenegro. After the presentation of the publication, high-ranking Montenegrin legal experts and representatives of the judiciary will discuss challenges to the rule of law in Montenegro in the second part of the event. The conference takes place in Podogorica and online ( zoom:

Expert conference

Conference “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro”

Presentation of the publication “Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro” and panel discussion on ongoing challenges in the Rule of Law in Montenegro

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in cooperation with CEDEM (Centre for Democracy and Human Rights) organized an online conference in hybrid form (online and offline) to present the analysis "Rule of Law Checklist for Montenegro".

Study and Information Program

Nachwuchsjuristen aus Rumänien zu Besuch bei deutschen Justizbehörden in Berlin

Das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa (RSP SOE) verfolgt das Ziel, besonders qualifizierte Nachwuchsjuristen aus den Ländern Südosteuropas zu fördern.

Expert talk

Presentation of the Romanian translation of the publication "Covid-19 and the impact on human rights"

An event for judges, prosecutors and lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, Romania with guests from Armenia

The Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RSPSOE) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with "The Aire Centre" and "Civil Right Defenders", organised an online event presenting the Romanian translation publication "Covid-19 and the Impact on Human Rights".


Digitalization of Justice

Online panel discussion

The current COVID-19 pandemic proofs the need for digitalization in every area of life - including in justice. While first steps are already taken, there are still a lot of obstacles on the way to a digital access for citizens to justice and automation of court hearings. In this context, Estonia with its multiple approaches to build a digital society is considered a pioneer in Europe. What are the opportunities and challenges of the digitalization of justice? What can other European countries learn from Estonia? We're going to discuss this with five experts from Estonia, Germany and Romania: Leanika Tamm, Judge at Pärnu County Court, Estonia, Ingo Groß, Court President at Brunswick District Court, Germany, Kai Härmand, Judge at Harju County Court, Estonia, Benedikt Quarch, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of the Legal Tech company RightNow Group, Germany and Mariana Feldioreanu, Court President at Bucharest District Court, Romania. We invite you to watch the livestream on:


Leaders for Justice 2020 - Team Leading and Team-work. The Tale of I Do vs. We Do

Second training session (11th edition, 2020)

The second training session of the 11th edition of our leadership programme for young Romanian law proffessionals will take place in Sibiel, between February 13-16. The main subject addressed during the four day training will be situational leadership and teamwork, led by trainers Mihai Dragoi and Marian Stas. The training session will include a workshop with Ciprian Ciocan, director of the Community Foundation Sibiu.

Asset Publisher

God and Democracy

A Handbook on the Rights of Religious Communities and the Freedom of Relgion in the Republic of Macedonia

The Faculty of Law “Iustinianius Primus” of the University “Saints Cyril and Methodius” Skopje in cooperation with the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe conducted a study on the rule of law and the current situation of the religious communities within the constitutional system of the Republic of Macedonia.

30 young lawyers from Southeast European countries visit Berlin


The KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLP SEE) continues to support qualified young lawyers from Southeast European countries. In this context, the programme “Leaders for Justice” for young Romanian lawyers was initiated in 2010. This year, a joint group from Republic of Moldova and Romania visited Berlin.

Upholding democracy and the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe

EUROSFAT 2018 – Deciding the Future of Europe

At the EUROSFAT conference on June 8th , experts from several CEE countries discussed the current state of the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe, the EU's possibilities for protecting its fundamental values, and the link between EU funds and respect for rule-of-law.

Between fear and elucidation

Coming to terms with the communist past in South-East Europe

On April 24, 2018, the Rule of Law Programme of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with the Catholic University of Croatia, organized in Zagreb a regional conference on coping with the communist past in Southeastern Europe, followed by a podium discussion on the current debate about dealing with the past in Croatia.

Leaders for Justice

8. Jahrgang des Nachwuchsförderungsprogramms für rumänische Juristen in Berlin

Das Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa (RSP SOE) verfolgt das Ziel, besonders qualifizierte Nachwuchsjuristen aus den Ländern Südosteuropas zu fördern. In diesem Kontext wurde 2010 das großangelegte juristische Nachwuchsführungsprogramm „Leaders for Justice“ für junge rumänische Juristen initiiert.

ONE WORLD ROMANIA 2017-Eröffnung der 10. Ausgabe des Dokumentarfilmfestivals für Menschenrechte

Am 13. März eröffnete Thorsten Geissler,kommissarischer Leiter des RSP SOE der KAS, die 10. Ausgabe des Dokumentarfilmfestivals für Menschenrechte "One World Romania 2017" in Bukarest. Thema des Festivals sind Menschen-und Minderheitenrechte.

How to fight against corruption

Graduation ceremony of the 7th Generation "Leaders for Justice"

Thorsten Geissler, interim Director of the Rule of Law Program South East Europe, held a speech at the conference entitled "How to fight against corruption", referring to the responsibility of the "Leaders for Justice" alumni in the justice system, as well as in the Romanian society (Romanian only).

10 Jahre Rechtsstaatsprogramm

Bukarest, Rumänien

Aus diesem Anlass fand am 23.2. eine Veranstaltung mit 140 Gästen zum Thema "Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen" statt, in deren Rahmen wurde der Leiter des RSPSOE, Thorsten Geissler, verabschiedet.

10 Jahre Rechtsstaatsprogramm

Bukarest, Rumänien

Prof. Dr. Simina Tănăsescu, Präsidialberaterin für institutionelle und verfassungsrechtliche Reform, hielt eine Ansprache zum Anlass der 10-jährigen Konferenz des Rechtsstaatsprogramms Südosteuropa der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Ministerial conference on combating terrorism in the Danube region

Sofia, Bulgaria

Joint Declaration of the Ministers responsible for home affairs, as well as authorised representatives of the respective Ministries of the Danube Region countries, issued on 22. January 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria.