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The Right of Access to Information Law: A step toward Good Governance

in Cooperation with Universite Saint Joseph - The Observatory of Public Service and Good Governance (OFP)

Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung Rule of Law MENA programme in collaboration with the USJ's Observatory of Public Service and Good Governance Department invites you to a hybrid Webinar that will take place on the 8th of July starting 17:00 to discuss different aspects related to "The Right of Access to Information Law: A step toward Good Governance"

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The Seminar will be streamed on Zoom and Facebook Social Media platform and will be simultaneously translated into English.


- Prof. Pascal Monin who will server as the host and moderator.

- MP. Georges Okais who will discuss the role of the right of access to information law in strenghtening control, accountatbility and transparency and all its amendments.

- Former MP. Ghassan Moukheiber who will discuss the national action plan for the implementation of the right of access to information law.

- Judge Dora El Khazen who will discuss the effects and obstacles of the right of access to information law.

- Dr. Halima El Kaakour who will discuss the role of the right of access to information law in strenghtening democracy and citizenship.

- Dr. Charbel Maroun who will discuss the changes that the right of access to information law brings to media professions.


OFP KAS Programme en anglais Webinar 8 juillet قانون الحق بالوصول إلى المعلومات 2021.pdf

Here you will find the program for download: OFP KAS Programme en anglais Webinar 8 juillet قانون الحق بالوصول إلى المعلومات 2021.pdf

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Paul Saadeh

Paul Saadeh

Project Manager +961 1 385 094 | +961 1 395 094
Event Reports
July 29, 2021
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