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Economic policy studies in the context of Vietnam's participation in new generation FTAs

Three studies on (1) Agriculture and Free Trade, (2) Development of Digital Currencies, (3) Vietnam's International Economic Integration

The new context presents many opportunities for the Vietnamese economy. First of all, this leads to an increase Vietnam's position in global trade, investment, and value-added chain. Strategic competition and policy adjustment of major economies help Vietnam take advantage of cooperation frameworks, strategic partnerships, and comprehensive partnerships. The implementation of signed FTAs helps Vietnam increase the quantity and improve the quality of trade and investment flows, diversify partners and participate in value chains led by the West. Then, the trend of digital transformation brings many benefits to the economy such as (i) promoting a change of mindset in policymaking and business operations to improve the productivity of the whole society; (ii) promoting technology transfer, narrowing the technology gap between enterprises in the value chain; (iii) opening up opportunities for service development and cross-border trade in services for Vietnam and other developing countries in the region. Moreover, climate change and new-generation FTAs are the driving forces to promote economic integration towards sustainability.

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Below are policy recommendations for each topics:

1. Agriculture and Free Trade

  • Restructure the agricultural industry towards modernity, improve quality, and perfect policies for agricultural development 
  • Strongly develop processing and post-harvest industries in the agricultural, forestry and fishery industry 
  • Innovating, developing and connecting value chains in agricultural production, connecting to the global consumption system 
  • Developing international agricultural product consumption markets and minimizing risks in international trade 
  • Building national brands for the agricultural industry and developing the AFF market to the world

2. Development of Digital Currencies

  • Be proactive and prepare solutions through tax tools and legal framework. It is necessary to speed up the process of researching and completing the legislative framework for controlling digital currency in Vietnam
  • Continuously monitor and analyze the implementation of digital currencies in the world, as well as the implications for Vietnam in terms of financial flows, international payments, cross-border payments, and tourism..., so that relevant actions may be implemented.
  • Improving and developing the national payment system to ensure efficiency and limiting risks associated with digital currency payment transactions

3.  Vietnam's International Economic Integration

  • Raising awareness about international economic integration and new generation FTAs
  • Develop solutions and policies to enforce effectively the new generation of FTAs
  • Proposing policies and solutions to improve the investment and business environment, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and the economy
  • Proposing policies and solutions to ensure necessary resources for effective integration when participating in new-generation FTAs

Details of the policy brief of these three researches can be found in the attached Pdf file.


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Pham Thi To Hang

Pham Hang

Project Manager +84 24 37 18 61 94 /95 /96 +84 24 37 18 61 97


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