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Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities

Toolkit Launching event

The first collaborative project between KAS Vietnam and Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, titled “Health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices to promote well-being and green urban governance in Vietnam (HOPE),” is nearing completion. Initiated in 2022, the project has progressed through three phases, developing comprehensive and cross-cutting knowledge in health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices/green housing in Vietnamese cities. Additionally, both international and Vietnamese trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge have been shared and exchanged. On Thursday, September 19th, final product of this project: The Toolkit for Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities will be officially presented to relevant audiences.


Workshop on International experiences on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation, Ministry of Justice

The workshop will explore international experiences in developing and enforcing legal regulations to prevent and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It will focus on enhancing the effectiveness of Vietnam’s Effectiveness Assessment Report and Technical Compliance Report. Specifically, the workshop will address areas where Vietnam currently falls short of Financial Action Task Force standards, particularly those related to the Ministry of Justice’s responsibilities. This includes regulations on money laundering (Recommendation No. 3), criminal penalties for acts related to the financing of terrorism (Recommendation No. 5), criminalization and financial penalties for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Recommendation No. 7), and issues concerning the criminal liability of legal entities for money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Training course on preventing and resolving international investment disputes

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of International Law, Ministry of Justice

The training course "Preventing and resolving international investment disputes according to laws, international commitments of Vietnam and international experiences" is designed to impart comprehensive understanding and expertise in foreign investment legislation, uphold Vietnam’s pledges to international investment, and foster proactive engagement in the resolution of global investment conflicts. It also facilitates the sharing of insights that aid in addressing practical challenges encountered by legal professionals and public servants involved in the legal oversight and administration of foreign investment at the ministry and provincial levels.

Expert conference

Conference "Impact assessment of policies in development of legal normative documents 2024"

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of General Affairs in Legislative Development, Ministry of Justice

Expert conference

Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam

Conference co-organized by KAS and Vietnam Institute for Development Strategies, Ministry of Planning and Investment

The aim of the conference is to gather key recommendations from both Vietnamese and international experts about the new global challenges and opportunities for Vietnam and appropriate strategies to response.


Innovating and Improving the Efficiency of Law Implementation Organization in the Period 2025-2030

Workshop co-organised by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Ministry of Justice

Expert talk

The China Talk 23

The future of world order: a view from China

China Talk 23 aims to facilitate a robust exchange of ideas, insights, and perspectives on the theme “The future of world order: a view from China”. This is a continuation of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) China Talk series in collaboration with Konrad – Andenauer – Stiftung (KAS) in Vietnam, which has been bridging the fields of Chinese studies since 2015.



Toward Fast and Sustainable Growth of a People-Centered ASEAN Community

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam eagerly anticipates the inaugural ASEAN Future Forum 2024, scheduled to occur on April 23, 2024, in Ha Noi, Vietnam. The genesis of this Forum was unveiled by Prime Minister, H.E. Pham Minh Chinh, during the 43rd ASEAN Summit in September 2023. The Forum, under the theme “Toward fast and sustainable growth of a people-centered ASEAN Community” will discuss deliberations on the future of ASEAN in both practical and visionary ways in the context of fast, complex developments in the strategic landscapes of the region and the world. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam is proud to lend its support to this groundbreaking initiative, which will draw the participation of esteemed government officials, policymakers, experts, practitioners, and pertinent stakeholders from ASEAN Member States. Additionally, the Forum will welcome ASEAN's external partners and allies, underscoring its inclusive and comprehensive approach. The Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), in strategic collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam, assumes a pivotal role as the primary executor of this ASEAN Future Forum.


Roadmap to shorten the process and duration for annual state budget settlement

Workshop co-organized by KAS Vietnam and National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee

The Finance and Budget Committee of the National Assembly is in charge of assessing the Government’s draft report on shortening state budget settlement process. The workshop aims to collect opinions/comments of policy-makers, national experts, and representatives of relevant agencies on the issue of State budget settlement. The workshop input will help the committee to better make a verification report on the budget settlement process to present at the NA sessions.


Revise the Law on Managing and Using State Capital to Invest in Production & Business at Enterprises

Workshop co-organized by KAS Vietnam and National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee

The workshop aims to collect opinions/comments of policy-makers, domestic and foreign experts, and representatives of relevant agencies on the amendment of the Law on management and use of state capital invested in production and business activities at enterprises. The workshop will provide the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee with theoretical, scientific and practical basis to assess the revised Law on management and use of State capital invested in enterprises, which is submitted by the Government.




Ocean Dialogue is one of the flagship cooperation programs between Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV). Each Ocean Dialogue goes into a carefully set out topic. Since 2017, eleven dialogues have been organized with a wide range of topics such as Ocean Governance in the South China Sea, fisheries cooperation, plastic waste management, environment sustainability etc…and received many positive responses from international and national scholars, researchers in relevant fields. The series of Ocean Dialogue intends to raise the importance of the maritime/sea/ocean by building up the knowledge and looking at it from different angles. Maritime issues are of great importance to the countries around the South China Sea, which affect their economic, political, environmental and security context. Not only regionally is this topic of relevance, it is of equal importance to the global community.


Workshop - The EU Approach to Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific: from Strategy to Practice

Phase 3: The EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy in a New Context

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Improving performance of the elected bodies and deputies in handling people's petitions

In Vietnam, meetings with voters are regularly carried out by National Assembly deputies before and after NA sessions while the NA Standing Committee’s Commission of People’s Petition (CPP) is the first and focal point in handling people’s petitions beside NA deputies delegations, People’s Councils and Fatherland Fronts.

Workshop Legal development on juvenile justice in Vietnam

The past few years, Vietnam has made great progress in improving the legal system for juveniles, whether juvenile offenders or minor victims and witnesses in criminal cases. Some important laws such as the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Law, Law on Criminal Judgment Execution, Law on Children, Law on Organization of People's Courts… have been amended with regard to making the procedure friendlier and safeguarding the interests of juveniles.

Assessment of Top 500 Vietnamese largest private enterprises

KAS Vietnam and the National Centre for Socio-Economic Information and Forecast (NCIF) released a research assessing the performance of the top 500 Vietnamese private enterprises (VPE500). The study identifies the 500 largest Vietnamese private enterprises based on three criteria: labor size, total assets, and revenue. The researchers analyze the performance of the VPE500 to provide a snapshot of the of their current situation as well as their relationship with the rest of the private sector.

Innovation for Networked Security Policy Livelihood Security during and after the Covid-19

A Competition for Undergraduate Students

Since 2020, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam has been cooperating with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities to implement a long-term youth-oriented-project in the form of a competition with the theme “Innovation for Networked Security Policy” with the desire to make ‘networked security policy’ better known to general public. Following the success of the first competition focusing on “Coping with Food Insecurity and Climate Change”, this year 2022 second one concentrated is about “Livelihood Security During and After COVID-19”.

The 8th Ocean Dialogue

40th Anniversary of UNCLOS: Promoting Maritime Cooperation in Southeast Asia

Ocean Dialogue is one of the flagship cooperation programs between Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV). Each Ocean Dialogue goes into a carefully set out topic. The series of Ocean Dialogue intends to raise the importance of the maritime/sea/ocean by building up the knowledge and looking at it from different angles. Maritime issues are of great importance to the countries around the South China Sea, which affect their economic, political, environmental and security context. Not only regionally is this topic of relevance, it is of equal importance to the global community.

KAS-MoJ Training workshop - Law on Handling Administrative Violations

New points of the law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the law on handling administrative violations

With the aims of introducing the provisions of the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations, on 2/6/2022, KAS Vietnam co-operated with Ministry of Justice – Department of Management of Handling Administrative Violations and Monitoring Law Enforcement organize an extensive training workshop to disseminate the contents


„Vietnam als Partner Deutschlands für eine regelbasierte internationale Ordnung?"

Im Rahmen einer der ersten Delegationsreisen aus Asien seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie, veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) am 16. Mai 2022 eine Paneldiskussion zum Thema: „Vietnam als Partner Deutschlands für eine regelbasierte internationale Ordnung?“. Offizielle Vertreter und Experten aus Vietnam und Deutschland tauschten sich zur „strategischen Partnerschaft“ zwischen den beiden Ländern und spezifischen außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Chancen und Herausforderungen aus.

China Talk 19

US - China Competition in the Southeast Asia

On May 11th 2022, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam jointly held the 19th edition of the China talk series. Until now, 18 China Talks have been carried out with different topics ranging from China’s foreign and security affairs to domestic politics such as analyzing the Communist Party Congresses or assessing Chinese Soft Power. And the 19th edition focused on US - China Competition in the Southeast Asia.

Developing non-conviction-based confiscation mechanism in Vietnam

On May 12th 2022, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Vietnam and Criminal and Administrative Legislation Department, Ministry of Justice jointly held the seminar on “Developing non-conviction-based confiscation mechanism in Vietnam”. Non-conviction recovery mechanisms can be considered as a breakthrough solution to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of money and asset recovery. Nevertheless, property confiscation without criminal proceedings is a complex measure that affects property rights and requires synchronization with other mechanisms and institutions such as asset control, income control, transaction control, non-cash payment system and anti-money laundering.

Enhancing the effective implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is one of the most important international treaties on human rights to which Vietnam has been a member state since 1982. Upon the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committee on the 3rd National Report on the Implementation of ICCPR, Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1252/QD-TTg on 26/9/2019 approving a national Action Plan “Enhancing the effective implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the recommendations of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights” (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).