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Verbesserung der Verwaltung des Rechtsstaats für eine harmonische soziale Entwicklung

Experten der Sozialwissenschaft werden unterschiedliche Aspekte zur Sicherstellung harmonischer Entwicklung analysieren. Diskutiert werden mögliche Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Staatsverwaltung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit.


Chính Quyền Điện Tử và Quản Trị Địa Phương tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh

Hội thảo sẽ phân tích mức độ hiệu quả của chính quyền điện tử (với các dịch vụ như hành chính điện tử) đối với một nền quản trị tốt từ góc nhìn của người dân Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.


E-Government for Good Governance - The Case of Ho Chi Minh City

The workshop will discuss the effects of e-government application including e-services, e-administration and e-procurement on good governance from the perspectives of the people living in Ho-Chi-Minh city.


E-Government für gute Regierungsführung - Im Falle von Ho Chi Minh Stadt

Der Workshop wird die Effekte von E-Government inklusive E-Service, E-Administration und E-Beschaffung auf gute Regierungsführung aus Perspektive der Einwohner Ho-Chi-Minh Stadts diskutieren.


Internationalisierung der Hochschulen und Berufsausbildung

Die Teilnehmer des runden Tisches werden die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die vietnamesischen Hochschulen aus der Internationalisierung entstehen, diskutieren.


Internationalization of Higher Education Institutes and Vocational Education and Training

The participants at the roundtable will discuss the development opportunities which arise from internationalisation to Vietnamese higher education institutions.


Quốc Tế Hóa Giáo Dục Đại Học và Dạy Nghề

Nội dung chính của buổi thảo luận là cơ hội phát triển cho các cơ sở GD đại học của Việt Nam từ quá trình quốc tế hóa. Các vị khách mời sẽ chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của Đức trong giáo dục và đào tạo nghề và những thuận lợi của "outsource" đào tạo nghề.


Enhancing Regional Cooperation For Peace, Friendship And Prosperity In Southeast Asia

The experts will analyse the significance and implications of the Permanent Court of Arbitrary's Award on the South China Sea and identify the opportunities and challenges to the security, maritime safety and economic development in the region.



Experten analysieren die Bedeutung des Urteils des Haager Ständigen Gerichtshofs zum Südchinesischen Meer und zeigen Chancen und Herausforderungen der strategischen und maritimen Sicherheit und für die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Region auf.


Tăng Cường Hợp Tác vì Hòa Bình, Hữu Nghị và Thịnh Vượng ở Đông Nam Á

Các chuyên gia sẽ phân tích tầm quan trọng và hàm ý của Phán Quyết Tòa Trọng Tài Quốc Tế về Biển Đông và xác định cơ hội cũng như những thách thức đối với an ninh, an toàn hàng hải và phát triển kinh tế của khu vực.

Asset Publisher

Revising the Law on Managing and Using State Capital Invested in Enterprises

KAS Vietnam has supported the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee to organize a workshop on the necessity of revising the Law on manging State capital invested in enterprises (also known as the Law No.69, enforced since 2015).


Enduring Maritime Connectivity in a Fragmenting World

How to ensure maritime connectivity in a fragmenting world? How to ensure that it will endure? The 12th Ocean Dialogue co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam on 15 March tried to provide answers in a multidisciplinary approach at the nexus of foreign policy, international law, maritime science and technology.

Expert workshop on Vietnam’s Excise Tax Law

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation Vietnam and the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee jointly organized an event on November 17, 2023 in Ninh Binh with over a hundred people to discuss the contents of Vietnam's Excise Duty Law. The event was accompanied by expert knowledge from national and international speakers from the WHO and World Bank.

The 3rd Mekong International Forum in Ho Chi Minh City

On November 24, the 3rd Mekong International Forum was held in Ho Chi Minh City near the mighty Mekong River under the theme "Promoting Synergy among Mechanisms for Sustainable Growth in the Mekong Sub-Region". The event served as a platform for a joint exchange between the countries of the Mekong Sub-Region and investors in the region.

Workshop for the regional and sub-regional cooperation in East and Southeast Asia

Designed as a kick-off event for a series of workshops/seminars on regional and sub-regional cooperation, 120 participants took part on November 28, 2023 in Hanoi. The hybrid workshop was organized by USSH Hanoi and KAS Vietnam, it addressed regional and sub-regional cooperation in East and Southeast Asia towards a sustainable and innovative future.


An International Sinology Symposium

On November 10, 2023, the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) in collaboration with the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and the Foundation for East Sea Studies (FESS), successfully convened the second International Sinology Symposium themed on "The Role of China in Global Governance."

Series of workshop about German Foreign Policy in a Changing World

The aim of the workshops is to deepen and broaden the knowledge and understanding of guiding principles and current challenges of German foreign and security policy among the target group of students, young professionals as well as senior lecturers and researchers. Nearly 70 participants took part in the workshops and the exchange.

The 15th South China Sea International Conference

The regionally very well-known 15th South China Sea International Conference took place under the motto "Luminate the Grey, Light up the Green" organized by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) with the support and partnership of KAS Vietnam.

30th Anniversary of KAS Country Office Vietnam

We had a great time last night full of pride, happiness and excitement. It was a great honor for us to receive the award given by the Prime Minister of Vietnam to recognize the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's contribution to Vietnam over three decades from 1993 to 2023.

Assessment of Top 500 Vietnamese Private Enterprises (VPE500 - Report 2023)

Aiming to provide an efficient index for macro-economic management, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Vietnam Institute for Development Strategies (VIDS), Ministry of Planning and Investment, has launched a report on top 500 Vietnamese Private Enterprises (VPE500). The launching workshop attracted more than 150 participants.