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Event Reports

The 12th General Conference of The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP)

The 12th General Conference of The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) was held in Hanoi. More than 200 participants including but not limited to global think-tanks, scholars, diplomats and officials from regional countries were gathered for two-day conference, from 5th to 6th December, to discuss the emerging security issues the region is facing. "The 12th CSCAP General Conference is not only important but also very timely as and when international relations in the region have become more fast-changing, complicated, and unstable. We witness the efforts at transforming the regional security landscape from the Asia-Pacific to Indo-Pacific. The region has now become the world’s most dynamic region and is home to many of the biggest economies. At the same time, nowhere else in the world can we witness a greater level of major powers’ presence and engagements than in our region. The current competitive nature of major powers’ relations gives rise to many security implications that, I think, have not been fully fathomed" said by H.E Vice Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam. The two day conference went well over six topical sessions which received high attention. Most of the participants showed their high appreciation and sincere thank to the hosting country, Vietnam, for very good arrangements and the successful organisation of this important event. KAS Vietnam was proud of being the co-organiser in collaboration with its partner - the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.

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