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politička izvješća

KAS Study on Use of Early Warning Systems & Integration of Data in Political Planning in West Pokot and Baringo Counties

This report is an account of a baseline study carried out in West Pokot and Baringo Counties on the utilization of EWS information in political planning by KAS. The study was informed by the fact that food emergency needs persist in the ASAL counties of Kenya despite availability of EWS data. The study thus, sought to investigate the notion that EWS information is not adequately incorporated in political planning.

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Zaklada Konrad Adenauer ima vlastite urede u 80-ak država na pet kontinenata. Zaposlenici na licu mjesta mogu iz prve ruke izvještavati o aktualnim događajima i dugoročnim zbivanjima u državama u kojima rade. U "Izvještajima iz zemalja" posjetiteljima web stranice Zaklade Konrad Adenauer se ekskluzivno nude analize, dodatne informacije i procjene.

naručivanje informacija


Kenya Kenya

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