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EU-MENA Young Leaders Academy on Sustainability and Resource Security


Aware that common regional and international efforts are needed to support sustainable livelihoods and future resource security in the MENA region, the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (REMENA) and the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue (MNED) of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) organize jointly an “EU-MENA Young Leaders Academy on Sustainability and Resource Security”, from September 23 to 27, 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.

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All over the MENA region, the availability of essential resources and thus their sustainable management is an important issue that affects every inhabitant in some way. Bearing in mind future perspectives, especially the young generation in the MENA region is already and will be confronted on the long-term with the risks of an unsustainable handling of the environment and available resources. It is often precisely these young people who are already active in their home regions, be it through their own start-ups or other concrete projects for sustainable and resource-saving development. In order to implement their ideas, however, they need both political and financial support as well as a hearing for their ideas.

Taking into account the trans-boundary dimensions of the impacts of climate change and the associated consequences for the future security of resources, cross-border and cross-political cooperation is needed to meet the challenges ahead. In view of the predicted scarcity of vital resources, it is therefore crucial to promote cooperation and through this ensure that existing resources are used in a sustainably manner and made available equally to all residents.

The main thematic focus lies on recycling management, considering mainly both the use of water and energy, as well as recycling processes. A properly functioning recycling system ensures that resources are reused in an efficient way, and reduces the pressure on scarce resources, hence contributing to their conservation.

The training aims to

  • gain an insight into the work and structural processes of the EU and to obtain background information on European application procedures for funding projects;
  • to deepen the participants’ knowledge with regard to sustainability and resource security, in particular on recycling management;
  • to create an opportunity for exchange on the respective approaches/ measures in their different home countries between participants from the MENA countries as well as German participants; and
  • to elaborate and further develop concrete project ideas for the MENA region in terms of recycling management systems and to formulate key demands on the EU from a youth perspective.

How to participate: Interested participants should submit their application using the following online application form:

Online Application EU-MENA Young Leaders Academy

Application Deadline: June 26, 2019, 12:00 pm, time zone: WEST

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