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Visions and Wishes for Europe


The simulation game on European Institutions and the negotiation process will be organized by KAS in cooperation with the Centre for European Studies and CIVIC.

Asset Publisher

На почеток


The seminar “Visions and Wishes for Europe” intends to deal with wishes, how it could be, how it should be in the near future from the point of view of young professionals and young party members in the region. The participants on this seminar will be involved as acting figures in a political process by developing their own visions for the region as well as for Europe as a whole.

Taking into consideration the complexity and diversity of South Eastern Europe and the mutual goal of EU integration, the seminar aims on the one hand to bring the participants closer to the EU institutions and the EU foreign policy and on the other hand to give them the opportunity to get to know their neighbours and exchange experiences, connecting with each other aiming towards the common goal.

In order to have experiences from the EU countries and countries that are aiming towards the EU the participants will be from the South Eastern region.

Our partners are the Centre for European Studies (CES - Brussels) and CIVIC.

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Anja Czymmeck

Anja Czymmeck

Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Frankreich +33 156 69 15 00

Sandra Koljackova

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