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Seminar on "Implications Of Attacks On Saudi Oil Installations" at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

The attack towards Saudi oil facilities on 14th September represents the latest escalation in the strained situation on the Arabian Peninsula and West Asia, or more specifically, between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The most ardent issue revolves around the question to who carried out the attack on the oil production sites- Iran or Houthi rebels from Yemen. Against this backdrop, the South Asian Inter-Scholastic Association, the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library and the India office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation host a seminar on “Implications Of Attacks On Saudi Oil Installations” on 1st October at Nehru Memorial Museum And Library. Topics that will be addressed include the political situation in the Middle East, geopolitical ramification of the attack on Saudi oil installation and potentials and limitations of using drones as a factor in hybrid warfare.

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Nehru Memorial Museum and Library



Was sind die Auswirkungen der Angriffe auf die saudischen Ölanlagen?
одоо уншаарай
Холбоо барих

Peter Rimmele

Asset Publisher

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