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A Reading in the Book of Nature Reserves

Every year on the 10th of March Lebanon celebrates its natural reserves. This year, the Ministers of Environment and Culture joint their celebration of the country’s natural beauty at the Lebanese National Library

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Every year on the 10th of March Lebanon celebrates its natural reserves. This year, the Ministers of Environment and Culture joint their celebration of the country’s natural beauty at the Lebanese National Library in an event titled: “A Reading in the Book of Nature Reserves” on Thursday the 17th of March. The event was supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the LRI. The event aimed to highlight lived experiences of the relation between culture and nature especially in the nature reserves in Lebanon which protects the biodiversity and at the same time preserves the cultural heritage. The event was commenced with speeches of Ministers of Environment and Culture and KAS representative.  A video was displayed of the Nature Reserves in Lebanon followed by live testimonies from workers and volunteers in the natural reserves. Afterwards, a booth fair of some nature reserves was displayed providing insight to the attendees.

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Hamad Elias

PM Hamad Elias

Project Manager 00961 (0)1 388 095/6


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Энэ цувралын талаар

Конрад Аденауерын нэрэмжит буяны байгууллага, мөн түүний сургалтын төвүүд ба гадаад офисууд нь төрөл бүрийн сэдвээр жил бүр хэдэн мянган Арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулан явуулдаг. Сонгон авсан бага хурлууд, үйл явдлууд ба симпозиумуудын тухай бид цаг алдалгүй хуудсанд мэдээлнэ.

Агуулгын товч тоймын хажуугаар та бүхэн энд бас зураг, илтгэлүүдийн гар бичмэл, видео ба аудио бичлэг гэх мэт нэмэлт материалуудыг олох болно.

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