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Philippine National Security During and After the Duterte Presidency

Looking Back and Looking Beyond

The Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA), with support from the KAS Philippines, conducted a two-day online conference looking on the Philippine national security during and after the Duterte presidency, and what are the prospects beyond.

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You can watch the replay in the Philippine Political Science Association's Facebook page:

Day 1 Morning Session

Day 1 Afternoon Session

Day 2 Morning Session

All links will direct you to the videos in PPSA's Facebook page.

эзлэх хувь

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Агуулгын товч тоймын хажуугаар та бүхэн энд бас зураг, илтгэлүүдийн гар бичмэл, видео ба аудио бичлэг гэх мэт нэмэлт материалуудыг олох болно.

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