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z Thomas Behrens, David Gregosz

‘Diplomatic Briefing Issue 05/2022 - Regional Security Dilemma: Trends, Directions, and Illusion’

Find the latest issue of the international series "Diplomatic Briefing", published by the Foreign Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Cambodia, with an essay by David Gregosz and Thomas Behrens from the KAS-Office in Poland (pp. 64-69 ). We invite you to read and share!

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'The reaction to the recent aggression of the Russian nuclear power, in violation of international law, leads to the conclusion that in the face of such broad conflict, middle powers in particular must strengthen their foreign policy strategy capabilities in order to build effective resilience.'

David Gregosz, resident representative of KAS Poland, and Thomas Behrens, project coordinator, used the case of Switzerland, Austria and Poland to study their diverse wide range of middle power type and foreign policy strategies. They concluded that a comparatively relative, limited international influence as a middle power does not necessarily lead to uniform or analogous foreign policy strategies.

In the 5th volume of Diplomatic Briefing, KAS looks at a diverse range of issues in the realm of the region’s growing security dilemma and its implications. Many pressing and timely subjects were brought into focus through the comprehensive insights and perspectives of key experts across the region and beyond.

Find the entire 5th issue of DIPLOMATIC BRIEFING with the essay by David Gregosz and Thomas Behrens (pp. 64-69) as pdf-download by clicking on the link - see right!

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Thomas Behrens


Projektmitarbeiter Social Media

thomas.behrens@kas.de +48 606 542 601
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David Gregosz

David Gregosz bild

Dyrektor Biura Fundacji Konrada Adenauera w Polsce

David.Gregosz@kas.de +48 22 845-9330


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