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Program studyjno-informacyjny

European Diplomacy Workshop

The European Academy of Diplomacy and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Poland would like to announce the opening of recruitment for the 4th edition of the European Diplomacy Workshop (EDW) to be held 19 - 24 November, 2012 in Warsaw.

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The European Diplomacy Workshop is a week-long, first in Europe program devoted solely to the Eastern Partnership, European Neighborhood Policy and European Union Foreign Policy. Based on lectures from experts in the fields of EU Foreign Policy, and hands-on skills training in International Negotiations, Public Speaking, Strategic Planning and Leadership, the European Diplomacy Workshop is designed for emerging political and social leaders, public servants and non-governmental representatives who are eager to learn how to influence the changing context of their country. The program has over 100 Alumni coming from 40 countries.

A select number of scholarships will be awarded to participants from European Neighborhood countries. The deadline is October 18th for scholarship requests and October 28th , 2012 for on-line registration of non-scholarship applicants. To learn more please go to: www.diplomats.pl/en/international-programmes/diplomacy-workshop.html)

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Hanna Dmochowska

Hanna Dmochowska bild

public relations, kontakty z mediami, organizacja

Hanna.Dmochowska@kas.de +48 22 845-9335

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Biuro Fundacji Polska