
Day 1 – Introduction and Inspiration
Location: Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Pawilon G, Rakowicka 27, Kraków
9:00 - 9:30
Registration and Networking
Coffee Time
9:30 - 10:30
Opening and introduction to the conference theme and objectives
Instytut Studiów Strategicznych
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Opening Talk: Civilian engagement in deterrence and defence. Contemporary models and their implications for security.
dr Agata Mazurkiewicz, Jagiellonian University.
10:30 - 12:00
Panel Discussion:
Unpacking 'Civil Defence': A Comparative Look at National Security Strategies in Finland, Germany, and Norway.
dr Agata Mazurkiewicz, Jagiellonian University.
Khan Jahier, Resilience Policy Officer in the Resilience Section of the Defence Policy and Planning Division at NATO International Staff
dr Daniela Vogt, Lecturer
Björn Stahlhut, Head of the Coordination Office for Municipal Crisis Management (Landeshauptstadt Potsdam) [online]
Petri Uusikylä, Research Director, University of Vaasa, School of Management
Ville-Pekka Niskanen, Project Research, University of Vaasa, School of Management
Oistein Knudsen, National Civil Defence Commissioner/ Chief of Civil Defence [online]
Topics for Discussion:
Coordination between military and civilian defence.
Best practices in Norway, Finland, Germany and NATO countries.
The role of government agencies and NGOs in disaster preparedness and response.
12:00 - 12:15 - Coffee Break
12:15 - 12:45
Peaks and Pitfalls of the Finnish Comprehensive Security Model
Petri Uusikylä, Research Director, University of Vaasa
Ville-Pekka Niskanen, Project Research, University of Vaasa
13:30 - 14:00
Education in Action: Preparing Polish Society for Contemporary Security Landscape.
dr hab. Paweł Szmitkowski, Siedlce University
Panel discussion: Bridging the Gaps: Interdependencies of Protection, Crisis Management, and Critical Infrastructure Security.
dr hab. Paweł Szmitkowski, Siedlce University
dr hab. Przemysław Wywiał, UKEN, ekspert Rządowego Centrum Bezpieczeństwa (RCB)
dr hab. Aleksandra Skrabacz, prof. Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej
dr Michał Piekarski, Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Bezpieczeństwa UWr [online]
14:00 - 15:00
Panel discussion: How to protect cultural heritage?
dr Daniela Vogt, Lecturer [ENG]
dr Katarzyna Pasternak, Jagiellonian University. [PL]
dr Katarzyna Góralczyk, Uniwersytet Papieski JP II, Instytut Bezpieczeństwa Dziedzictwa
Sławomir Zagórski, historian, journalist Newsweek, Wirtualna Polska [PL]
Discussion Topics:
Cross-Border Collaboration for Heritage Protection in Conflict Zones
Training Emergency Personnel in Handling and Evacuating Heritage Assets
Evacuation of belongings in case of crisis or war
16:15 - 16:35
Shelters in civil defense
Aleksander Fiedorek, Expert on weapons of mass destruction [PL - online]
ZRB Paciej Company Multimedia presentation - Protective Constructions in Private Sector
Bartosz Paciej, CEO ZRB Paciej Company [PL]
16:45 - 17:00
Closing Session and Summary
Summary of key takeaways from the conference.
Recommendations for enhancing European civil defense cooperation.
Day 2 – In-depth Analysis and Interactive Sessions
10:00 - 11:30
Workshop 1:
Presentation of the crisis management system and support for anti-crisis actions.
Małopolski Urząd Wojewódzki representatives
Location: Urząd Wojewódzki, Kraków
10:00 - 12:30
Workshop 2:
What is your emergency plan? - building a contingency plan. [limited to 30 people].
Norma ISO 22301:2019.
Agnieszka Gawęcka-Kopytko, Kierownik Zespołu Zarządzania Operacyjnego i Ciągłości Działania, Tauron Polska Energia S.A.
Location: Instytut Studiów Strategicznych, Mikołajska 4, Kraków 12:30 - 14:00
Networking and Conference Closure in ISS Foundation Institute, Mikołajska 4, Kraków