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Contribuições aos eventos

Dialogue on Faith and Economics with the Ecumenical Foundation of South Africa (EFSA) - Mthatha

Municipal Stakeholders Cooperation Workshop: Partnerships to implement the objectives of the National Development Plan (NDP) – The role of churches and faith communities

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Ecumenical Foundation of South Africa (EFSA) and the Right Reverend Bishop Sipuka of Mthatha (and President of the Southern Africa Catholic Bishops' Conference) hosted a dialogue with experts and leaders from both business and churches to explore how South African role players create a new "social contract" that addresses social justice alongside or with government programmes.

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Einen ausführlichen Veranstaltungsbericht von Charl Fredericks (EFSA) können Sie in englischer Sprache nachlesen. 

Präsentationen über Municipalities und Rechenschaftspflicht (Frau Vuyiwe Hani) sowie über das Community Works Programme (Herr Dupré Lombaard) eröffneten eine rege und konstruktive Debatte.

Arbeitsgruppen zu verschiedenen Themen wurden zur Vorbereitung auf den nächsten Workshop gegründet. 


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Pessoa de contato

Christiaan Endres

Christiaan Endres

Projektkoordinator +27 (11) 214 2900-204


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A Fundação Konrad Adenauer, os seus órgãos e centros de formação e os seus escritórios no estrangeiro sugerem anualmente vários milhares de eventos sobre temas sempre diferentes. Em, informamos, de uma forma sempre actual e em exclusivo, sobre determinadas conferências, eventos, simpósios, etc.. É aqui que também encontrará materiais adicionais, como imagens, manuscritos de palestras, vídeos ou trechos áudio gravados, para além de um resumo dos conteúdos.

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