
Страновой отчет

KAS event on the New Silk Road and digitization with State Secretary Steffen Bilger

On February 18, 2020, a big congress of the KAS took place in the capital of Kazakhstan with the topic "New Silk Road and Digitization". About 250 participants discussed questions of the implementation of the digital agenda in Kazakhstan and chances of a cooperation between Germany and Kazakhstan in this field.




On February 18, 2020, a big congress of the KAS took place in the capital of Kazakhstan with the topic "New Silk Road and Digitization". About 250 participants discussed questions of the implementation of the digital agenda in Kazakhstan and chances of a cooperation between Germany and Kazakhstan in this field. The topic New Silk Road was discussed under the question to make the project a strategic asset for all countries along the infrastructure project. Especially a German-Kazakh cooperation in the field of logistics was discussed. One of the main speakers at the event was the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Steffen Bilger MdB; on the panels, the Members of the Bundestag Jan Metzler MdB (digitization) and Felix Schreiner MdB (transport) discussed with the participants. Many thanks to all three.





О циклах публикаций

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