
Отчёты о мероприятиях

Hybridevent on the topic press and public relations in the era of digital Media

for employees of the PR-Departments of the government

Indonesia ranks fourth in the world with the most Facebook users and their number of Twitter users ranked three. The access to information of the population is increasingly dominated by digital media. The use of conventional media is becoming less and less important in the country. The Indonesian government would like to use the opportunities that the rapid development brings for their communication with their citizens. In addition to the many opportunities, this development also creates new challenges and risks. In order to address this important and current topic, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs organized a hybrid workshop in Solo from June 23rd to 25th at which more than 150 participants from PR departments of various ministries and government participated virtual and 25 participants participated on site.







О циклах публикаций

Фонд им. Конрада Аденауэра, его образовательные учреждения, учебные центры и зарубежные представительства ежегодно предлагают по несколько тысяч мероприятий на самые разные темы. На нашем сайте www.kas.de для Вас всегда найдется свежая информация по наиболее интересным конференциям, событиям, симпозиумам и другим мероприятиям. Помимо информационного наполнения здесь приведены дополнительные материалы: фотографии, тексты выступлений, видео- и аудиозаписи.