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Thoughts and Talks for a Better Lebanon-Part III

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lebanon Office in cooperation with I Have Learned Academy completed the third phase of the project “Thoughts and Talks for a Better Lebanon”.



In this phase, 12 free online sessions were given to raise awareness about various topics related to Economics, Finance, Politics, Social, Infrastructure and Group Dynamics or Leadership.

The sessions were very effective and beneficial as they witnessed a lot of discussions between the participants, plenty of which indicated that they were actually learning from what was being said. During the program, many participants were also eager to discuss possible and creative solutions in regards to certain sectors in the country.

The topics tackled were as per below:

  1. Everything You Need to Know about the Subsidies, by Abdallah Harfouch.
  2. Lebanon Redesign: What is the Price to Pay?, by Gilbert Doumit.
  3. The Public Health Sector in Lebanon: Current Situation and Challenges, by Dr. Firass Abiad.
  4. NGOs in Lebanon: Current Situation and Challenges, by Jackie Maalouf, Lea Kanaan, Roula Sayad, Nadim Abdo and Marc Torbey.
  5. Electricity in Lebanon: Situation and Potential Solutions, by Carole Ayat.
  6. Privatization in Lebanon: Assessment and Roadmap, by Albert Kostanian.
  7. Trains in Lebanon: Past, Present and Future Perspective, by Carlos Naffah.
  8. Waste Management in Lebanon, by Nicole Gemayel, Alexander Boustany, Ziad Abi Chaker, Georges Bitar, Gaby Kassab and Khodor Eid.
  9. E-Government: Best Worldwide Practices and Opportunities for Lebanon, by Rudy Shoushani.
  10. Tourism: Essential Pillar of the Future Lebanese Economy, by Nada Raphael, Anthony Rahayel, Viviane Nasr, Ralph Nader and Nizar Hani.
  11. Lebanon’s Economic Crisis: Expectations and Potential Solutions, by Maurice Matta.
  12. Agriculture: Potential Savior of the Lebanese Economy, by Jad Abou Arrage, Marc Beyrouthy, Nicolas Gholam, Youssef Fares and Soha Nasser.


All the sessions are getting great and positive feedbacks. KAS and I Have Learned Academy agreed to continue the project and keep choosing interesting topics and speakers. The objectives and topics will be adapted based on the needs of the people in Lebanon.



Dania Ismaiel

Dania Ismaiel


Dania.ismaiel@kas.de +961 (0)1 388 095/6




Foundation Office Lebanon


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