Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Rethinking International Institutions

Diplomacy and Impact on Emerging World Order

This book analyses the emerging trends and patterns in 21st century world politics and re-examines international institutions, and the various forms and practices of diplomacy. The papers collated in this book addresses changes through the use of digital governance, the setting up of new cooperation architectures such as the AIIB and the role of emerging powers in existing institutions like G20. The articles also reflect on whether the existing institutions can be reformed or if the way forward will see the establishment of new structures given the recent shift in world power.

Policy briefing No. 3 "2016 Status of Women Empowerment in Asia"

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus (AWPC) Meeting Outcomes at the 4th International Women Deliver Conference

The global gender equality gap persists for many reasons and it primarily centers on i) the lack of funding, ii) data and iii) inclusion of women in the processes and institutions that matter for sustainable development. In this policy briefing, we address the political actors on why and how they may approach these three main areas of intervention when it comes to normalizing and campaigning for gender equality in political parties, policy and institutional processes as well as civic spaces.

"Regional integration does not come naturally"

A KAS.DE interview with Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy about the reactions in Southeast Asia to the Brexit referendum

The result of the British EU referendum shook not only Europe; it also had notable impacts on the Asian financial markets. “Southeast Asia will draw its lessons from the European developments,” Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy says in an interview with The region is characterised by conflicts and could benefit from more cooperation and a new security network.

Australien hat gewählt

Regierungsbildung ungewiss

Am 2. Juli waren knapp 16 Millionen Australier dazu aufgerufen, ihre Stimme für die Wahlen zum neuen Parlament abzugeben. Derzeit läuft es auf ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen zwischen der aktuellen Regierungskoalition unter Führung der Liberal Party und der oppositionellen Labor Party hinaus. Australien steuert auf ein politisches Patt zu, so Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy und Katharina Naumann aus dem Regionalprogramm Politikdialog der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Singapur.

Regionale Integration ist nicht selbstverständlich

Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy im über die Reaktion Südostasiens auf das Brexit-Votum und die instabile Sicherheitslage der Region

Das Ergebnis des britischen EU-Referendums erschütterte nicht nur Europa, es war auch auf den asiatischen Finanzmärkten zu spüren. Südostasien zieht seine Lehren aus den europäischen Entwicklungen, sagt Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy im Interview mit Die Region ist von Konflikten geprägt – sie könnte mehr Kooperation und ein neues Sicherheitsnetzwerk gebrauchen.

Policy briefing No. 2 "New Migrations and the challenges of integration in Europe, Australia and New Zealand"

Europe and Australasia are traditional receiving regions of migration and refugees. Countries in both continents have developed diverse policy measures to meet the challenges arising from this and integrate arriving people into their respective societies. Thus, an exchange between the two regions to learn from each other’s experiences can bring about new approaches to this phenomenon. This policy briefing provides a summary of an expert conference that addressed recent developments regarding refugees and temporary migrants, immediate actions to foster integration and long-term strategies.

Policy Briefing No. 1 “Fostering Europe-Asia Cooperation in Addressing Irregular Migration and Refugee Movements”


Refugee movements and irregular migration are no new phenomena to Asia and Europe, but have shaped them for decades. Irregular migration patterns in both regions show certain similarities and the causes for leaving the respective home countries are also comparable. The direct linkages between the two regions concerning this challenge are strong. Despite these connections, collaboration has been limited. Thus, it is necessary to foster an exchange between both sides to address these matters jointly.

Federalism and Decentralization

Perceptions for Political and Institutional Reforms

This book analyses various federal systems across Asia and Europe. By elaborating the strengths and challenges of Federalism and Decentralization in various countries, it underlines the important role played by decentralized governance structures in promoting good governance, particularly with regard to enhancing and supporting democratic rules.

Jahresbericht 2015

Unsere Arbeit in Singapur

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen den Jahresbericht unserer Aktivitäten 2015 vorstellen zu können. Der Bericht bietet einen Überblick über unsere Arbeitsschwerpunkte, unsere aktuellsten Publikationen sowie die zahlreichen Konferenzen, welche wir im Laufe des letzten Jahres durchgeführt haben. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Bericht nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar ist

Activities Report 2015

We are pleased to present you our activities of the year 2015. It provides an overview of the topics we worked on ,our publications and the various conferences we have organized in the year.